Thursday, October 20, 2005

... and so my journey begins

I am delighted to announce the grand opening of food4holmz - an exclusive look at what goes in (and, of course, excluding what comes out!) the culinary grandmaster, Holmz (me).

OK, Grandmaster is a bold claim... but I think I have earned it over the years. I once won a £50 bet that I couldn't eat a Phal Curry... in 60 mins... without drinking (the ice cold stella that was right in front of me) during the 60 mins or for another 30 mins after. I also believe I had to lick the plate clean.

But that was a bet, now (4 years or so later) - I don't eat crazy stuff for money (if only)... I do it for fun... and, of course, nourishment.

Not all of my meals are crazy, far from it. But this blog is here to document all my meals, with pictures.

So again welcome... and, as the Welsh say, Bon Appetite!


Blogger Higgypop said...

Like Jamie Oliver he's a bit of a lad, like Keith Floyd he's always pissed and like Delia Smith he's a massive footie fan - he is however nowhere near as arrousing as Nigela Lawson or as well spoken as Lloyd Groseman - all the same this should be an interesting journey of food!

12:15 am  

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