Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Sunday's Shenanigans

Last Sunday's smashing roast beef and roasted veg (with horseradish sauce, ground pepper and onion & shallot gravy).

Always a pleasure to eat round the folks, I had my favourite starter of king prawns in seafood sauce and caramel apple pie in custard for dessert.

My parents hospitality didn't end with the food, oh no, I was also able to knock a few glasses of wine down before going to the pub.

I was on-call for my work, so had to stay sober and drive - the pub was OK though, we came second in the pub quiz and stopped at KFC on the way home.

I didn't have anything, but here is a pic of the food4holmz recommended poulty expert Nathan tucking into his KFC family bucket.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what the hell is this all about?

10:18 am  
Blogger holmz said...

Read the introductory bit at the top of the page... I am revolutionising the world of the blog - with a unique look at my eating habits.

It is only a matter of time before I secure a book deal (and then, obviously, a feature length documentary). Think of the publicity!

1:00 pm  

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