Saturday, December 24, 2005

Last night's 16" adventure

Well it's Christmas Eve and I am on-call so can't get drunk. Just waiting for the nod to go drive everyone around. It's been a hectic week (on-call wise) and I don't feel particularly Christmassy, although that might change when I get down the Sheep (local pub) - which we have been doing every Christmas Eve for the past few years.

So anyway, the house is pretty much devoid of food - as I have been reluctant to brave the supermarkets.. but on Thursday night I relented. I went down my local Asda at around 22:00. It was completely rammed, but I managed to pick up a few "essentials" (Stella, etc). I did buy some Tikka'd chicken and some salad to make myself a pretty wicked sandwich. I appreciate it might look quite rank, but it tasted OK with some mayo to moisten it up.

Friday (yesterday), I didn't get to work until 10am - and happily they sent everyone home at midday, so I monged out for the day and my mate Lee came over to watch a DVD and order in some grub.

As it's Christmas, I treated myself to my favourite pizza from my favourite takeaway... the 16" seafood pizza from La Cuisine! A proper salty feast and no mistake!!

Anyway, I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow - I'm sure there will be some pics up of my Christmas dinner (with now legendary sausagemeat stuffing) very soon! Merry Christmas!!!


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