Friday, December 02, 2005

Welcome to December...

This is probably my last post for a few days, as I am off to Surrey tonight and I won't be back until Thursday night. There's bound to be plenty of feasts too, as I am going to a Christmas meal on Saturday and the training course might offer some pleasant grub also - not to mention a fair few evenings of grub at the companies expense!

Anyway, I haven't had much food of interest recently - mainly been out boozing. The best I can offer is this pic of a bit of garlic-bready type roll that I sliced in half and grated some Smoked Applewood cheese over and seasoned with black pepper and baked in the oven for a while... Delish!

Other pics include the chicken fillet burger thing I bought from Quigleys in town last night whilst on the way home from the pub and today's lunch down the Hungry Horse (a whole chicken with a sausage, stuffing, veg and chips in gravy!)

Right, I have to go - need to catch a train to Surrey in a few hours and I need to pack (I don't think I did a very good job whilst pissed last night!!!)


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