Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Christmas Festivities!

Christmas is certainly one of my favourite times of year, especially with regards to food! This year has been no exception. Christmas morning there were the usual nibbles that consist of smoked salmon wrapped round various fillings (soft cheese?) and various other little savoury bites. I did eat a little bit too much of these tasty little morsels and when it was time for dinner, I wasn't all that hungry.

However I did soldier on, my starter was a prawn cocktail on a bed of lettuce (everyone else had breaded camembert) and my main course was, of course, turkey and all the trimmings (including my special sausagemeat stuffing). I wasn't hungry enough to have my usual turkey leg - so I got my Mum to bung it in the fridge for a later date (unfortunately, though, I got a devastating SMS from my Mum earlier today to say that the leg was off so she chucked it!!!)

Too stuffed for dessert, I went round my Nan's in the evening. Was pretty much too full for any tea there either, so it was a fair few hours before I could eat any more.

I went round my parent's on Boxing day for lunch, a buffet consisting of cold meats, salad, potatoes, red cabbage and various pickles (amongst other things).

So anyway, back to work today - so had lunch in the canteen. I was weaned back on to canteen food with a very tasty lamb lasagne, they sure know how to lure me back in!

Anyway, off to Jesters again tonight - if it's half as good as last time, I am in for a treat!!


Blogger holmz said...

Happy new year! Have a good one everybody!

8:07 pm  

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