Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Welcome to 2006 - a World Cup Year!!!

Well I made it. I have continued flogging into a new year. Welcome to food4holmz 2006 edition.

This post, as the first one of 2006, should be more of a special feature - and believe me, there is plenty of recent chow activity to cover from the last week to bother to get going down any sentimental 2005 review shite. Not yet, anyway.

So back to 2005 briefly (I know it seems like ages ago), well I went to Jesters comedy club on the evening of the 28th (which was ridiculously funny, again) and had a 10oz steak (for 3.99) and a couple of beers at the Wetherspoons opposite (the Magic Box - ooer). A few jugs of Coors in there and I was pretty wrecked. When I got back home, I apparently stayed up and chatted to Lee and Higz (who were round my gaff watching DVDs) until around 1.30am.

I must have needed hair of the dog, because the next day I went down the Orchard and had a spicy turkey jacket potato and a couple of beers.

I also had a pretty wicked meal in the evening, as Sarah made me bubble and squeak (mashed potato, cabbage and onion lightly fried and served with some Lincolnshire sausages and some peas). Even though I was knackered, I still found time to go drinking (albeit at Hollywood Bowl). Apparently I didn't go to bed until around 3am that night.

That must have been why I opted to go to the Bradley Stoke pub for lunch the next day, 2 meals for a tenner - so I had the salmon (Sarah had lasagne, which also looked pretty good).

In the evening, I went round my parent's for a meal. The meal was cooked by one of my Aunties and was a (rather alcoholic) Beef Bourgonon with assorted vegetables. I also had a starters of king prawns!

The next day was New Years Eve. I don't think I ate much, as I went to the watch Rovers (tragically, they lost to Wycombe 2-1) - but my Uncle did buy me a proper Cornish pasty at the Memorial Stadium (an amazing treat, they rock!!)

I went to the Patchway Sports and Social club for the NYE celebrations, however I couldn't drink to much, as I had got a bit sozzled at the Rovers match.

But was still a good evening out.

For New Years Day, Sarah had invited Carla and Lee round for a roast dinner and a much deserved chill out. So she made roast chicken (even with sausagemeat stuffing!!) which was, of course, quality! Dessert was vanilla and/or mint vienetta (nice!). We then watched DVDs and drank various lagers and wines until the wee hours.

The following day was a Bank Holiday, so I went to Brean for the day with Sarah, my Mum and the dogs. When we got back home, Sarah went home to Surrey and I went round my parents for a "Sunday" dinner (roast pork!!) - I ate myself stupid and then went up the Orchard with Mike and Michelle.

I will get round, at some point, to doing a mini review of last year's tidy tucker - including some of my greatest home-made achievements, favourite meal out, best takeaway etc.. So that should be something to look forward to.

Anyway, welcome to 2006 - may all your meals be tasty ones!!


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