Monday, January 16, 2006

Creativity with Sausagemeat and Stuffing :)

Not much to report on the eating front over the past few days, apart from the Roast Dinner I had around my parents' house last night (of course!) - Roast pork with sausagemeat stuffing. I was given the job of making the stuffing, so I got a bit creative.
Obviously the making of SMS (sausagemeat stuffing, not short message service) involves the mixing of sausagemeat with stuffing (I use sage and onion) and then oven cooking until cooked through. This time I chopped up some onion and added that, so give it some extra flavour.

It worked really well, I don't have any pictures of the final product - because I was too desperate to eat it (I was quite hungry after walking round Vassells Park with the dogs).

It should be a quiet week this week, I am both skint and on-call - but this just gives me an excuse to hide in my room all week playing my new game :)

Actually, I'm looking forward to watching the second episode of Life on Mars tonight, I don't tend to watch much telly - but this is alright.


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