Wednesday, January 11, 2006

He said "Let there be Roast"...

... and thus there was Roast. Roast Pork to be precise. Not bad for under three quid. The canteen round here aint too bad (especially on Wednesdays). It's a joy to come in to work just for that.

Blogs seem to be all the rage nowadays, I discovered yesterday that my mate Gale also has a blog. As he is also linking to mine, I thought it was about time to add a counter to this thing - should help me to gauge interest in my gastronomical diversity.

Also linked my flickr profile, now complete with a few pics of my brother and I indulging in our Christmas tradition of hanging up stockings every Christmas Eve. Most of which I don't know the date for at the moment, so you'll have to guess how old we are in most of them.

Going up the gym shortly, then back home to play on my new game (which seems to be eating up most of my time recently).


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