Monday, October 02, 2006

Burgers, Beans and Baguettes.. oh, and Bison!

Didn't really eat anything on getting home from the gym on Wednesday night. I was really tired, not from the gym, but just in general. I ate just a few rounds of toast and tinkered round on the computer for the rest of the night.

Thursday was roast dinner day (woo!) - the meat was turkey and it was quite tasty. No doubt I supplimented my meal with soup, although I can't remember what flavour it was..

After work I went straight to football training, where I had a good session - felt quite fit and scored 4 goals.

Although tempted to stop at Subway again, I drove on home knowing I had some bread to use up. I had beans on toast in the end, using Mexican Mean Beanz.

On Friday I ate lunch early in order to allow me a full hour in the pub at lunch, so I grabbed a salmon baguette from the canteen and ate it outside while Trew had a smoke (as pictured).

I went to the Orchard for lunch and managed to squeeze 3 Stellas in.

After work I had to go round my parents as they needed to borrow my car for the weekend as their's was broke, Sarah came down from Surrey and met me at their's. Sarah suggested going out for a meal and I fancied Quinceys, so I treated her and my parents to a meal there.

I had a starter of crab cakes, quite tasty.

But the main course I opted for was bison burger (and I paid the 3 quid extra to double up). Man, was I stuffed.. especially with all the Stella I was drinking too.

I finished off with an Irish coffee, after which I felt quite tired and bloated. Needed to sleep.

The next day, Sarah dragged me to Sainsburys to buy stuff for lunch. I always hate going shopping on a weekend, preferring to go late at night on a weeknight when it is quieter. However none of the food in my kitchen was up to scratch for what Sarah wanted to eat (not a beans on toast fan?)

Sarah bought a few packs of Quorn mince, some tasty looking sausages, some tagliatelle, some potato wedges, some organic hot chocolate, some pasta sauces, lots of seed type things (and some dry roasted soya nuts which were surprisingly nice), kidney beans, chilli con carne mix and various other things. Ahh, she did buy me some beef jerky - which is always a treat!!

Then we went home and she cooked up a quorn chilli con carne with potato wedges. Spicy, although slightly sweet too. Sarah asked me if I noticed anything different about the chilli (apart from it not being made with real meat, obv) and I said it tasted alright. Then she said she had made it with chocolate powder.. it did start to taste quite sweet after that (although probably wouldn't have noticed if she hadn't told me).

Later that day we picked up Tony (from his new digs in LW) and got a coach to Monmouth to watch Fate By Chance rock it up in some Community Hall type place (not quite the mosh pit I expected). Still managed to have a fair few sneaky cans of stella on the way there and lots of Fosters (it was all they served) when I got there.

We got home around 1.30am and all crashed (Tony reacquainting himself with my sofa).

Higz got home on Saturday from America, which was good to see. His full Florida review can be found here, I am very jealous of the food they had out there. Almost worth the flight money on its own, I expect.

Sunday morning I woke up and we needed to drop Tony back off in LW and then get round my parents, so we could give Sarah her birthday pressies before she went home (she is off to NY for her actual birthday, so we won't see her).

On the way to LW, we stopped at McDonalds because we were hungry. I tried a "Big Tasty" burger, it was alright - but never worth 3.99 or however much is cost.

Back at my parents' we gave Sarah her pressies and then she went back to Surrey and I stayed round my parents for Sunday dinner.

The roast dinner was chicken and it was pretty big, loads of meat on it.

When dinner was served up it included stuffing and sausages wrapped in bacon - nice work!

I went home and watched some TV while tinkering round on my PC (playing Football Manager 2006, there's a new version coming out soon - I probably won't get it, though, as I am still playing the old one quite heavily).

This morning is Monday and my first food blog entry of October 2006. Incidentally this food blog started in October 2005, almost a whole years worth of food I have eaten there.

The canteen options were quite lame this morning, I ended up settling for a vegetable curry with rice. It was OK. I had a soup with a roll for afters and it seemed to fill me up.

I am going to the gym after work and then will probably eat that tagliatelle, pasta sauce and sausages when I get back (the stuff that Sarah bought on Saturday that we never got a chance to eat).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adding chocolate powder to a chilli is a done thing and smooths the flavour out so the chilli is a little less rough!

Heathen that he is, he's never done it!!! It didn't taste sweet as there was only a teaspoon of chocolate powder in there!!!

1:58 pm  

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