Friday, September 01, 2006

Last words of sobriety - I'm off to get pissed!

After work on Tuesday I drove to North Bristol rugby club and trained with Greyfriars Athletic. I was impressed with my fitness, but my footie skills weren't what they were. I put it down to the fact I was wearing studs for the first time in years.

When I got home, I wasn't terribly hungry - so I zapped a bowl of Hunger Breaks (Full Monty) in the microwave. Afterwards I ate another tin of fruit. These Gower leftovers are going to be my staple diet for the next few weeks, I can tell.

For some reason on Wednesday, a few of us (Chris, Tony, Matt and Adam) decided to go up the Bradley Stoke pub for our lunch hour. I stuck to soft drinks, but did order myself a half roast chicken.

After work I went straight out to the gym, it seemed like a while since I last went - although I have been quite active. My Dad dropped out at the last minute due to being called to work, so I was able to stay for as long as I wanted. I only managed an hour before getting bored. I weighed myself at the end and I was 100.6kgs, so I have managed to drift back up into triple figures. I blame the toast sandwich I made from everyone's leftovers at the Gower (video of me destroying the evidence here).

From the gym I went round my parents' house for tea. My Mum was cooking porkchops, sugar snap peas, cauliflower cheese, new potatoes and stuffing balls. Very tasty indeed!

Yesterday was, of course, roast dinner day in the canteen - but it was also the last day for lots of people from here - so I went up the pub for a few beers for the first 45 mins of my lunch. Of course, I still managed to grab a roasty for my final 15 mins.. the meat was lamb and it was quite fatty, but tasty nonetheless. There wasn't a great deal of veg out, due to my lateness - so I made do with peas and carrots.

After work I decided against going to the gym, as I had some things to sort out. So I did that and then went home and had a microwave paella that my Mum had gave me. It was alright, but nowhere near as nice as a real authentic paella!! Can you imagine a paella-lasagne hybrid meal? Wouldn't that just be the best thing ever?!?

Today is Friday. Normally I just grab a sandwich and then go to the pub, today I grabbed a jacket potato from the canteen and had a spicy sausage filling. I also chucked some sweetcorn on there as well. It was OK, but I went down the pub afterwards and had a few Stellas in the sun. Then I came back to the office and got on with my day.

I'm off down town later tonight for some belated drinks for Lee's birthday. Then tomorrow I may well be playing footy for Greyfriars, then watching England v Andorra (European Championship qualifier) and meeting up with some more people for drinks! Could be a busy weekend!


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