Monday, September 11, 2006

This week.. I 'ave bin mostly eatin' :- Beans on Toast

After work on Friday I got home and had broke into a tin of "Hunger Breaks" (leftover from my Gower trip), this tin contained beans and chicken nuggets. I ate them hot and on toast (unlike at the Gower). Then I recruited Lee and Tony into coming down town.

We met up with Bud, Boz and Poj at Sloanes. Having been unsuccessful in my quest to blag a lift down, I went with a contraversial bus plot to get us from Cribbs Causeway to Blackboy Hill. The trip took around 20 mins and cost £2.50. This system worked quite well, so I may be applying it again.

Of course, Friday we drank ourselves silly and I then the three of us Patchwegians got a taxi home at the cost of a fiver each.

I had to be at Patchway High for 1pm to meet the other Greyfriars players on the Saturday, so I got up at midday and had another tin of leftover Gower beans - this time the "kebab attack" version of the Hunger Breaks line.

I again played for the Greys 4th team (the 'B' team) and again we lost. This time 8-2 at home to Mendip United reserves. I only played the final 45 mins, but the weather was hot and I got tired very quickly - will need to work more on sprinting in the gym, I think.

After the game, Lee and I met Gale (whose team, the 'A' team, won.. again) and the other Greys players at the Bradley Stoke pub. Lee and I ended up staying there until closing time and I don't think I got round to eating anything.

The next morning I woke up (on my sofa.. bizarrely) and the weather was so nice, I agreed to walk the dogs with my parents. We walked the dogs round Snuff Mills / Vassels park for a bit and then went to the White Lion pub in Frenchay. I didn't drink any alcohol, as I feeling slightly rough, but I did eat a rather tasty mushroom dish (at the White Lion). I forgot to take a picture (I was so hungry!) - it was a starter anyway as we were to have a big Sunday dinner later in the day.

The roast dinner that my Mum made was beef and it was very tasty and filling, exactly what I needed.

Then Higz picked me up and took me 10 pin bowling at Cribbs Causeway with Lee, Nathan, Lewis and Checketts. I was pretty poor, but managed to scrape a 3 digit score in my last game - which was quite exciting.

So to today, Monday, and back to work. I have been very tired all day, as I couldn't sleep a wink last night (I'm sure I did - but you know how it is). I had dinner today in the canteen, it was fairly unexciting - a vegetable rogan josh with rice.

Afterwards I had a vegetable soup with a roll, but even though it was very tasty, it only partially rescued what was a fairly drab lunch. Could have been much worse tho..


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