Monday, September 04, 2006

My footy debut in a drink-fuelled weekend!

Friday I went home via Ashley Down school as Lee was working there and needed a lift home. I dropped him off at his house and went home.

I quickly rustled up some tea, some spicy beans (Heinz Mean Beanz) on toast. Very filling, exactly what I needed to start my drinking binge.

We all got a taxi from Patchway to the Berkeley Wetherspoons pub in Clifton. We had a few drinks there and then went to a pub on Park Street for a few drinks (including some kind of drink Welsh Chris called the "helicopter"..)

I don't remember eating anything that night and there were no foody pics on my phone, so I guess not.

Sarah picked some of us up from town, although Lee and I opted for a taxi instead for some reason (picking up a wandering Welsh Chris and a random along the way).

The next morning I woke up around midday and got up and my breakfast was more mean beanz on toast (perhaps not wise before a game of footy, but then nor is going on a drinking binge!) then I got my stuff together to go meet up for football.

The Greyfriars squad is split into 4 teams all in different leagues. Naturally, being the newbie (and not very good), I was put in the 4th team. I was pleased to see my name on the team sheet as a centre forward (so I wouldn't have to do too much running or worry about defending etc).

The game was away at Severn Beach - I won't bore you with the details but needless to say, we lost 7-1..

When I got home it was a mad rush to eat some food and head to the Patchway Sports and Social to watch England v Andorra. Sarah had some leftover Dominos pizza, so I ate that cold and she dropped me and Lee at the soc.

We met up with Gale (who had helped the 3rd team to a 2-0 victory) and Chris and drank some beer and watched England trounce Andorra 5-0.

Some time after the match, Sarah picked Chris, Lee and I up and took us round Mike's for some drinks.

I ate some wedges round Mike's before Lee and I got a taxi home.

Sunday morning, I tidied the kitchen and then Sarah made some pasta in bolognaise sauce. She also cooked up some garlic bread.

It was pretty damn tasty and set me up for the day, which was useful because the day included going to the Vue cinema to watch "John Tucker Must Die". I recommend you to have a quick look in your pants and if you see a cock there *avoid this movie at all costs* - I found it to draw serious ass. Sarah liked it though..

After the movie, we went over to Bella Italia (formerly Bella Pasta) and had yet more pasta.

I decided on the spicy king prawn linguine and had a side order of roasted vegetables. Proper.

Sarah and I then watched Medium series 1 on DVD for a bit (until my downstairs DVD player died).

Today I was back in work, therefore back in the canteen for lunch. Not much to choose from, so I had the chicken burrito type thing - with rice and salsa.

Then I had veg and lentil soup with a bread roll for dessert (more out of habit than anything).

I was planning on going to the gym tonight, but my Dad just called to ask me to come with him and visit Gramps in hospital - so I'm gonna do that and then go back round my parents' for a roast dinner!! Excellent!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I've got all of series 2 on divx if you want it :)

Stopped watching it towards the end or March for some reason.

9:25 am  
Blogger holmz said...

It'll take me forever to watch series 1 to be honest, I hardly ever watch DVDs (except when Sarah comes over)

I watch DivX's and the like even less! Cheers for the offer tho, d00d!

9:48 am  

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