Monday, September 18, 2006

Messy Weekend (and on-call)

Thursday night I was stuck on a call until 10 mins into the training k/o, I still turned up and had a kick about though and wasn't paged out. The training was at Golden Hill (where Bristol Rovers train, apparently).

After the training I went home and slobbed out. I didn't fancy beans on toast again, so I just ate a few rounds of toast and a bit of marmite. Nothing photo worthy.

Friday I went to work, as normal. What wasn't normal was that I decided not to go to the pub for lunch, I had decided instead to eat in the canteen and save any beer drinking for the evening. As I was on-call I thought I would drive to Yate in the evening and meet Mike and Matt for a bevvy and, obviously, as I would be driving, any beer I had in the day would mean I couldn't drink anything in the evening.

The canteen didn't have a great deal on offer, but they did have a kind of filo pastry type basket - which they filled with chilli and accompanied with rice and salad. Quite tasty.

After work I drove Tony to Yate and met Mike and Matt at the Farmhouse pub. After a beer or two, I decided I wanted more and drove my car round Mike's parents house and left it there. Then I walked back to the pub and continued drinking.

I quite liked the pub and even ordered myself a pizza there (ham and mushroom, I think). When the pub shut, we continued drinking round Mike's.

Unfortunately, I got paged about 9am and had to go home to Patchway and fix the fault. When I had resolved the problem, I went to bed for a few hours before meeting up with the Greyfriars team (I had ruled myself out of playing due to on-call, but wanted to go and support them anyway).

They were playing Wessex Wanderers (so far the league's whipping boys) away. Even though I was on-call and feeling rough from the night before, I really wanted to be out with the team. Especially when the game kicked off and it became apparent that the front line were going to get lots of chances. The game finished 8-0 to the visitors (us), so we now have 3 points in the league.

After the game I drove round my mate Chris Head's for a cup of tea, as he only lives round the corner.

Then I joined up with Gale (his side, the A's, had also won.. again) and the rest of the team again at the Bradley Stoke pub. I was getting very hungry by this point, so I went home after a few beers.

Back at home, I made myself a tuna salad (salad with thanks to Higz who left me some food, as he is currently on holiday in Florida - with Nath, Emma, Carla and Lee). I went to bed at around 11pm, after watching a movie (Mission: Impossible, I think.. I first saw that film at the cinema in the Isle of Wight for my 16th birthday - 10 years ago, whoa!)

I woke up on Sunday morning at 11am, I was pretty pleased that I slept for 12 solid hours. Around 2pm I went round my parents and had a Sunday roast, the meat was lamb - tasty.

After the meal, my parents got a film out - but I had made arrangements to go up the Soc with Welsh Chris. I managed to convince WC to drop the soc and just come over mine to watch the Man U v Arsenal game. So we watched the game and had a few beers.

When he left, I chopped myself up a pineapple (one that Higz had left) and ate the whole thing.

This morning, Monday, I got persuaded (damn Martin) to go down to the canteen for breakfast. I had myself a toasted bacon, sausage and egg sandwich - with brown sauce. Very tasty and meant I was nice and full (even at lunch).

This was fortunate, as the lunchtime canteen menu was piss-poor. There was nothing to choose from, so I had a spicy veg wrap for my lunch. I wasn't even tempted by the soup (celery - pfft).

I intend to work quite hard in the gym this week, then hopefully I will be able to make more of an impression at footy training on Thursday!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't believe you enjoyed the farmhouse - that's my pub-nemesis (if such a thing exists!)

9:58 am  
Blogger holmz said...

Dude, they served stella..

12:25 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is generally known in Yate circles as a pants pub, but unfortunatly it is also the best pub within a 5 mile radius and so we tolerate it's bad points. The only pub that comes close is The George in Sodbury, and that was farther to walk.

And it sells Stella...

12:29 pm  
Blogger holmz said...

I like any pub where I can walk in, sit down and get drunk.

I never had to queue at the bar and it wasn't ridiculously expensive. There was music, pool, toilets, a curry house and chippy next door. The pizza was nice too.

What do you not like about it? (other than the fact it's in Yate..)

12:53 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's just naff... I don't have a dossier of evidence obv!

2:16 pm  
Blogger holmz said...

Granted, it was no Patchway Sports and Social - but where the hell is??? (apart from the Patchway Sports and Social, of course).

Not on-call this week, though, so Friday could well be another trip townwards...

5:51 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know it makes sense!

12:54 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yate has a Patchway sports and Social equivalent called the Shireway Social Club. It's probably the worst place I've ever drunk in though full of single mum's, old people, chavs, and unemployeed binmen.

I don't recommend going there.

9:57 am  

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