Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Mid-Week Munchies

So, as is this log's design, a summary of the most recent items I have stuffed into my face... we will begin with yesterday's meal in the canteen - a strange vegetable sweet and sour with rice. I lobbed some cabbage on there too - help bulk it up (as there was no meat to fester in my guts).

I went to the gym in the evening and popped into my parents gaff in the evening, where I was fed some chunky vegetable soup! Marvellous!

Today we went to the Bradley Stoke pub, I had half a chicken with chips and veg. My mate Matt had the scampi (yes that's me sat opposite) - very nice too. We are starting to prefer the Bradley Stoke Inn to the Hungry Horse for our lunchtime pub excursions (2 meals for a tenner, and some pretty nice food).

Below is the amount of hits this site has had since I added the counter thing... a steady stream of visitors - nice work peeps!
Anyway, I was back at the gym after work today... came back and ate myself some tomato soup, not anywhere near as nice as the chunky vegetable - but it seems to have kept the hunger pangs away for now...

I might hit the gym again tomorrow, Thursday I should be visiting my friend Wendy and Friday I will be going to a "Christmas" party in Ashton Court mansion - should be a laugh.

I am also going to Wales on Saturday with my parents and grandparents to see their caravan and have a meal.

So now you're up to date - back to Football Manager for me (in the the Championship league with Bristol Rovers... surely Premiership next season?)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Bradley Stoke Inn is far nicer food than the Hungry Horse. Compare the scampi picture to this one and you can see the difference. And it's cheaper!

12:26 pm  
Blogger holmz said...

Hungry Horse chicken in December (note the stuffing and sausage, plus it is an 18" plate)
compared to Bradley Stoke Inn chicken yesterday (they promised stuffing, but did not deliver)... still very nice tho. Make your own minds up...

12:51 pm  
Blogger Higgypop said...

I would say for value and portion size Hungry Horse kicks The BS Inn's ass!!

But I hate drinking in Hungry Horse - it's a dump.

11:41 pm  

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