Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I love Lasagne. She's so damn tasty...

Well the working week is drawing to a close, which means the weekend is on it's way. Woo!

Monday evening I went to the gym, worked really hard for an hour and still only managed to burn off about 700-odd calories (less than 4 x 550ml cans of Stella!), ah well. Still weighed 107kg.

When I got home I had myself a cheese, turkey slice, salad and pickled onion sandwich (yes, it works!).

Tuesday (Valentines Day) was great (even though I only got one card!!) as the canteen was serving lamb lasagne!! Ruddy fantastic.

In the evening I went and watched Rovers lose 1-0 at home to fellow play-off contenders Cheltenham, all was not lost though because I got completely wasted afterwards.

My car is currently being serviced, so I had a lift to work (cheers Trew!) and this enabled me to eat some Muesli to try and stop any type of hangover kicking in.

Being Wednesday, I should be telling you about the roast lamb the canteen was serving up.. however this was not to be, as my work mates fancied a visit to the Bradley Stoke (and I didn't take much convinving, especially after getting a second meal free last time).

I opted for half a roast chicken and it was well worth the fiver it cost.

I went to the gym for a bit after work today and managed to sweat some of last night's booze out. Afterwards I went round my parents' and had some chicken wrapped in bacon with veg and roasters. Tasty!


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