Thursday, February 09, 2006

Magnificent Work Roast and Double Salmon Treat

Phwoar. Check that out for a roasty. This is yesterday's roast pork and it was bloody lovely.

I know I always get excited about Roast Dinners, but the canteen roasts are never normally that great. However I was quite pleased to get a very generous helping of pork and the veg was actually quite nice too (I am starting to get a taste for sprouts) and the gravy was thick (very rare in our canteen).

I have also started using the canteen pepper grounder, which just about capped this treat off.

Anyway, I think I only had muesli for tea yesterday. Not bad, quite filling.

Today we decided to go to the Bradley Stoke pub, I thought I would have some steamed salmon with some salad and a jacket potato (not bad for a fiver).. my day, however, was made a million times better when they accidentally brought another salmon and salad out - I didn't complain, the salmon was even chunkier than the one in the pic. Brilliant, 2 meals for a fiver. Spot on.

Went to Asda after work to get Sarah a Valentines' Day card, as I was there I made sure I bought a 24 pack of Stella, 2 fresh of the spit chickens (1 x barbeque and 1 x garlic - tasty), salad and some Innocent Smoothies. That pretty much sums up my average shopping trip really?

I devoured the garlic chicken when I got home (used some of it to make chicken and salad sandwiches for work tomorrow.. if I remember to take them, that is!)

Friday tomorrow, my favourite working day of the week.


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