Monday, April 10, 2006

Back into the old routine..

Well, I am back to work and immediately back into being on-call, so this week I have not had as much sleep to recover from the jetlag as I would have hoped. But it didn't take me long to readjust to the UK foodstuffs!

In fact, I have mainly been living off of roasts and sandwiches all week. I did miss my roast dinners whilst away and my parents cooked me up one for the first Sunday I was back.

Seemingly, still with a thirst for roasts, I went to the Orchard on Monday afternoon and had myself one of their famous carveries (at a special discount price of five pounds!).

On the Tuesday afternoon, we decided to go to the Bradley Stoke for dinner - where I reacquainted myself with the roast chicken. This was very tasty and also only cost a fiver (2 meals for a tenner deal).

Wednesday was, of course, roast dinner day in the canteen - but roast turkey didn't seem to meet with much approval, so we went to the Orchard again for another carvery (not much more expensive, but much better portions.. not to mention that they sell Stella!)

Thursday I decided to give the canteen a go again and had beef in a creamy mushroom sauce (not bad, but not amazing either).

Friday, of course, was pub day anyway.

Sarah was down this week, so on Saturday we went to Asda and bought some food for this weekend and next weekend. I expect more will be revealed as I eat it, but on Saturday evening she cooked some croquet potatoes, breaded vegetable things and some veg. It tasted better than it sounds..

Sunday she woke me up with some potato waffle sandwiches, she rated them quite highly - but I thought they were missing something. Perhaps if she does it again I will ask her to plonk a fried egg, some ham and some cheese in there too or something?

In the evening we went round my parents' house and had Sunday dinner. Starters of breaded camembert with salad, followed by Roast beef and Yorkshire pud, with various veg and stuff. Of course washed down with Stella and wine. I'm definitely back in England now!

Another bump back to reality this evening too, my first trip to the gym in a fair few weeks, I wonder how much I weigh now (I was down to 103.2kg before I left, but we will see!)

I am only second line of support for on-call this week, so maybe I will be able to get some more good quality sleep. Also it's only a 4 day working week today as Friday is Good Friday!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's some good eating.

9:44 am  

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