Monday, February 20, 2006

Stella - the one constant in life?

I guess we should pick up from Thursday evening, it seems like so long ago - let me see if I can recall..

Ah yes, I was unexpectedly sans la voiture due to some Toyota specific parts being ordered from factory, I was forced to spend the evening in (not so bad, won the Premiership and FA Cup with Bristol Rovers on Football Manager).

My Mum had given me some food earlier in the week with the strict instruction of eating it immediately - but my fridge is super cold and it still smelt OK, so I cooked that up and ate it.

It contained 2 chicken breasts with stuffing wrapped in bacon and some sausages in a kind of barbeque type sauce. There was also some cheese and potato dish I had, so I bunged it all in the oven and ate it with some salad and loads of ground pepper and some of that pizza style ground chillis and spices.

Friday I had a sandwich for lunch so I could have more time in the pub, then in the evening Sarah came down from Surrey for the weekend and we ordered in a large cheese and tomato pizza, garlic bread and potato wedges from Dominos (too plain a selection to even bother with a picture). We then went round Carla and Lee's and watched Stand By Me and Napoleon Dynamite (which was fucking funny!) and drank some more beer.

On Saturday, Sarah and I went to town to meet Sarah's friend for lunch. Despite going to Corn Street, where there was a massive selection of different restaurants (Lebanese, Italian, Mexican, etc) - we ended up going to the Commercial Rooms (Wetherspoons).

It wasn't all bad, though, as they do 2 meals for 6.29 or something - so I had a bowl of chilli and rice and a lasagne with salad (and obviously several cheap Stellas).

That evening Sarah and I ordered in some Chinese from my recent personal favourite :- Golden Oriental. We had lemon chicken, spicy beef, soft noodles, mixed vegetarian fried rice, chicken satay and a spring roll.

Of course this was all washed down with another of my personal favourites - Stella!!!

Carla and Lee came round and we all watched Donnie Brasco and drank some Stella. Now that's a recipe for a good evening.

Sunday, Sarah and I were supposed to be meeting one of her friends in Weston - but as luck would turn out, we met up with them down on the Waterfront instead.

This is good because Weston is a shit hole.

For some reason I can't explain, possibly just to torment me, but all that fine cuisine in the area to try and we ended up at the fucking Commercial Rooms again!! :)

As I knew I was to go round my parents in the evening for Sunday tea, I didn't opt for the 2-4-1 offer and instead had steak and ale pie. Which I washed down with lashings of cheap Stella.

Sarah and I went round my parents after that and were treated to a tasty meal which included breaded camembert for starters and roast beef for main course.

We all then sat and watched Crash before Sarah went back to Surrey and I met up with Higz and Lee back at my gaff and we watched a few more episodes of Lost (and, possibly, drank some more Stella).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"This is good because Weston is a shit hole."


If I remember correctly you've always had good times in Weston!

And I'm sure you are due another one soon matey. Lots of new pubs and clubs to pass out in :)

2:33 am  

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