Monday, March 13, 2006

The usual... eatin', drinkin' and bein' merry

Friday after work I was so hungry (I had skipped lunch to go to the pub), so I went to Asda after work and bought myself a garlic chicken. I then went home and ate most of it. Once I had played some Football Manager (pretty much won everything there is to win with Bristol Rovers), I ambled on over Carla and Lee's with Higz.

We watched some more season 2 of Lost and everyone else ate some fajitas (unfortunately I had eaten too much chicken to be hungry, but that was probably lucky for everyone else!!) - I went home after watching some South Park and had myself a reasonably early night (to prepare for Higz's birthday night out).

I woke up on Saturday morning around 2pm and walked to the Patchway Sports and Social club with my Dad to meet up with Lee to watch some sports and drink some beer.

I ate the rest of that garlic chicken in a sandwich and then got a taxi to town with the guys and proceeded to get very drunk. Not really sure what happened, but I don't think I ate anything anyway (quite the reverse, in fact - apparently I chundered all over a dance floor somewhere).

Sunday was a day of recovery. My parents took me out for a meal at the Fox Den. I had a starters of mussels (I love my seafood).

For main course I had a roasted salmon with assorted veg. Not too bad. Apologies for the poor quality images, the lighting in the Fox Den leaves much to be desired. Food is nice though.

The food did me a world of good, but I was still feeling a bit rank - so even though Higz and I had people over in the evening, nobody was drinking.

I think today's canteen meal deserves a place in this entry, braised lamb and cous cous. I love cous cous, not entirely sure what it is - but I like it!

Big up the cous cous!


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