Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Easter Weekend

I guess I should pick up from last Thursday (which was obviously more like a Friday, as Friday was a bank holiday). Well I got home from work and Sarah cooked me up some quorn nuggets with potato wedges while I drank some Stella and spoke to some statistics man who visited.

Sarah and I went to the Glastonbury film after that, not bad but a bit long. The Levellers were actually really quite good.

We spent most of Friday cleaning my house, a proper clean too. I think Sarah made me a waffle sandwich in the morning and for dinner (dinner = daytime meal for all you toffs out there) she cooked me up some quorn escalopes with peppercorn sauce and some croquet potatoes.

All that cleaning had brought Sarah on a migraine, so I treated her to a chicken curry and chips from the chinese - while I had a king prawn curry and special fried rice. I didn't remember to get a photo of this, but it was quite nice.

In the evening I went to pub and then on to Rukus at the Thekla. It was the last ever drum n' bass Rukus and I got pretty drunk.

When I woke up with a hangover on Saturday morning (I got paged out, as I was second line of support on Saturday) and had myself a meal consisting spinach and ricotta pasta in a spinach and ricotta sauce. It started off nice, but seemed to make me feel sick towards the end of it.

Sarah and I did some more spring cleaning before we went out for the evening to the Black Sheep with Carla and Lee. We had a few drinks there before heading back to Carla and Lee's gaff. Sarah had to go home to fetch a cardigan and while she was gone, I shaved my head with Lee's clippers. Seemed like a good idea at the time.

When Sarah got back we ordered some take away food in from La Cuisine. I opted for my usual 16" La Neptune (mussels, prawns, anchovies, etc). As usual, it didn't disappoint and satisfied my hunger pangs.

I was first line of support on Sunday, so I was woken fairly early by my pager. Once I had sorted all that out, I ate the remains (yes remains) of my pizza and took Sarah round Mike's as she was off out with his missus for the day.

Mike and I then hooked up with Bud, Boz and Poj to go down the pub (I was driving, as unfortunately on-call).

Later on that evening, I met up with Sarah in town and ate at a Greek place on Park Street (I think it was called "All in One" or something). I had myself a delicious lamb kleftiko and then proceeded to eat everyone else's meals before driving everyone home.

Once back in Patchway, Mike and I went round Carla and Lee's again - where we shaved Mike's head also and watched King Kong.
Easter Monday afternoon when I woke up (another lovely bank holiday..), Sarah and I went to the Hungry Horse for lunch - where I had a rather nice peppered salmon kebab salad - before going to the cinema to watch "She's the Man" (god, that was awful - but Sarah enjoyed it).

Then we briefly went round my parents' house before Sarah went home to Surrey and I went home to cook myself up a massive lasagne! I peppered it, put ground chillies on it, seasoned it up with all sorts of spices and then cooked it and ate it (well, half of it - other half to eat tonight).

Yesterday was it was back to work for me. Not much in the canteen, so had macaroni cheese with some veg and croquet potatoes. In the evening I went to the gym (weighed in at 105.6kg) and then went round my parent's for tea. I had left my phones at home, so no pics - but was a really nice quiche with salad, potatoes and coleslaw.

Today is Wednesday, which is usually roast dinner day (!!) - but the canteen were not serving this as the pork they had ordered in was not sealed properly and went bad. Instead, I was forced to endure chicken breast in some kind of sauce with rice and salad.

Not bad, but I am looking forward to going home and finishing the rest of my lasagne. Then I am off to watch Arsenal v Villareal in the first leg of the European Champions League Semi Final.

Should be interesting..


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