Wednesday, May 10, 2006

How to fix a Grumbly Tummy

Monday night I went to the gym for the first time in a week (I don't go when I am on-call) and had quite a good session. When we finished, Dad and I went back to his where Mum had cooked us both a meal. Cottage (or Shepherd, I can never remember the difference) pie with broccholi and carrots.

On Tuesday, I went up the pub for lunch with every intention of drinking coke. However the barmaid saw me and Matt coming and said "2 stellas?" and we both said "Yes". The pub's kitchen was being renovated, so anything from the carvery was a no-go. So I had a prawn sandwich. It was very tasty.
After work my Dad gave me a lift down town so I could have a drink with Wendy in Clifton. We met at Bar Humbug on Whiteladies Rd and I had a few drinks of Staropramen and ordered a salmon and avocado baguette - which was very nice (it's been a while since I last ate avocado, I had forgotten how much I liked it).
Props to my housemate Higgy, who dropped everything to come and pick me up from Clifton later on that eve!
So today I wasn't feeling great in the morning, but managed to drag myself to work and my tummy grumbled all morning - but I resisted the temptation to go down to the canteen for a fry up and instead waited until around 1pm before going to the canteen to get my weekly canteen roast (today is was turkey and the portions were generous).
My mate Matt shaved his bonce grade 1 stylee last night. Might have to equal him tonight and do the same, perhaps even better it with a grade 0? We'll see, I haven't bought these clippers just to gather dust in my bedroom.


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