Monday, May 15, 2006

Joys of the FA Cup Weekend

After work on Wednesday, I went to the gym with my Dad. I was planning on (finally getting round to) doing a food shop, but because of the thunder and lightning I ended up looking after my parents' dogs (they get upset during thunderstorms or fireworks displays), as my Dad had to go to work and my Mum was out with some of her friends.

I nicked some bread off them as compensation and used this to toast up and serve covered in some Heinz Mean Beanz (Sweet Chilli flavour this time, but I have several other flavours in my cupboard still to try). The dogs just milled around the downstairs of my house until my Mum came to collect them, but by that time I was too knackered to go out. I did, however, clipper my head to grade 1 - which was satisfyingly short.

Thursday the weather was quite nice again, so I only had a baguette for lunch before toddling up the pub to sit in the sun for an hour. The baguette from the canteen contained bacon, turkey, cranberry sauce and salad. I didn't drink any beer up the pub, as I fancied going to the gym again after work. Unfortunately, once home I couldn't be bothered to go anywhere and just had some marmite on toast to fill the gap.

As usual on Friday I didn't have a proper meal for lunch, I just had a salmon and prawn organic roll from the canteen and went up the pub for some Stella. After work I met up with Chris and we went to his mate's 30th birthday party at Almondsbury Sports and Social club. We stopped at the Swan Inn first, for a lasagne and some beer - although turns out there was food at the party too.. which was obviously a bonus!

Saturday morning I woke up at around 8.30am (the joys of hangover) and couldn't get back to sleep, so I had some muesli and played around on my computer for a few hours. Around 1pm Lee came round and we went up the Patchway Sports and Social to watch the FA cup final and drink some beer. It was a great match (bad luck, Hammers) and as usual I got pretty drunk. Lee invited me to a party, but I was too tired from the night before - so I just went home and ordered a pizza from Dominos. I justified this to myself, because I had no food in the house and I was obviously unable to drive anywhere. I chose to try a Full House Dominator. From what I remember it was very nice, but that was 15 quid gone in an instant. Imagine how many beers that would get you? (assuming 2.50 each, it would get you 6 - that is science for you)

The pizza must have been good, because apparently I offered a slice to my housemate Higz (who is on an interesting Lost-based diet.. available on eBay) and he was tempted. Fair play to him for turning it down though. I doubt I could be that strong.

Anyway, I was in bed by 9pm on Saturday and I didn't wake up until 11am the following day. I walked round my parents in the afternoon and was treated to a dual-meat roast dinner, pork and beef! The veg was pretty good too, although I didn't know quite what to make of the asparagus tips - never had them before and they were slightly strange.

Well today's lunch was a quick canteen visit and consisted of some lamb based stew type thing with cous cous (which I love) and salad. It was OK, but I am thinking of heading up to the Swan in Almondsbury one day this week for lunch - as their lasagne was absolutely lovely on Friday.

Also, should probably do some more shameless plugging of my mate Mark's new book. Available now on eBay (limited edition signed copies).


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