Monday, June 19, 2006

Barbeques, beer and football. Great stuff.

Wednesday last week was, as ever, roast dinner day in the canteen. I was delighted that the meat of choice was roast ham. I unintentionally covered the meat with veg and gravy, so I was not charged for it. I was aware it was cheaper than I expected, but it wasn't until later that I realised what had happened - still, free food is free food.

In the evening I went to the gym and when I weighed myself there, I was my lightest recorded weight since I have began going there.. 103.0kg - I started at 111kg and peaked at 103.2kg (just before going on holiday to Florida), so progress is being made.

Although things will have changed since then, as Thursday was football day.

England were playing Trinidad and Tobago in the World Cup, so I came in to work at 8:30 in the morning and worked through my lunch hour so I could leave around 3.30pm. I still grabbed a couple of sandwiches from the canteen to tidy me over. I opted for one roasted vegetable sandwich and one cheese and onion.

I got to the Patchway Sports and Social club way before 4pm (thanks to a lift from Higz) and the heavy drinking began. England beat T&T to qualify for the next round, but we will be playing Sweden tomorrow to decide whether we qualify top of the group. I will be going up the Social again for this.

It is unknown if I ate anything at the sports and social, as I was too drunk - but there has been mention of bowls of chips being ordered and even a whisper that there was some La Cuisine take away ordered back at Lee's afterwards.

At any rate, I woke up on Carla and Lee's sofa at what must have been around 5am. I somehow got it into my head that I was late for work, so I rushed home and got changed and came into the office.

The carpark was very empty, so I realised I had got in too early (it was around 5.45am, I don't normally get in the office until 4 hours after this). I went up to the office and as it was quiet I had a sleep under my desk for a few hours.

I got up when people started arriving and around 08:30am I went down and got a fry up from the canteen. This seemed to wake me up a fair bit and I almost started to feel normal again.

A few hours later I had myself a bacon, egg and sausage sandwich from the canteen so that I could go up the pub during my lunch hour.

I also went to the pub after work and I think we all ended up at Carla and Lee's again in the evening.

Saturday morning I woke up early and Higz and I worked hard in the garden to try and make it habitable again, the weeds had really taken over. The sun was really strong and we both sweated lots as we struggled to get the garden looking right again.

Once we had decided we had done as much as we could, we went to Asda and bought some barbeque food and then to Argos to get a cheap patio set. The barbeque food was mainly vegetarian burgers/sausages and fish, as both Higz and I are trying to eat healthier.

In the end we had Mike, Michelle, Carla and Lee round for the feast - and Higz was doing a bang up job of cooking up the grub too, until he realised he was supposed to be at work and left!!

The fish I had bought was whole trout. I had put some garlic butter into the fish, wrapped it in silver foil and cooked it on the barbeque. I had bought 4 trouts, but only Mike was interested in having one - so I ended up eating 3 trouts. I have to say they were absolutely lovely, but 3 may have been a bit too much..

I guess I will be dining on the leftovers for a while, as Higz is on his "Lost" diet and thereforerestricted to fruit, vegetables and one piece of meat or fish per day.

Sunday was, of course, Father's Day and it was also my Dad's 51st birthday. So I went round my parents' house in the early afternoon (after I had eaten some barbeque leftovers.. sausages, burgers, chops, bacon) and gave him his cards and presents.

After a few hours it was time to go round my Aunty and Uncles, as they were having a Fathers Day party. So we went to this and they barbequed up a banquet. I had some sausages and chops with roasted vegetables, salad, breaded mushrooms, potato wedges and quiche. Washed down with lots of stella, naturally.

Today might very well be my first sober day for a while, as I am on second line support on-call. I should be going to the gym after work too, which will be interesting after all of the barbequed food and stella I consumed over the weekend!

At least I didn't have any meat for lunch, just macoroni cheese with carrots, green beans and sweetcorn. Tasty.

I know for tea I will probably have some leftover pasta from the bbq and some leftover sausages.. that is unless my parents invite me in for tea after the gym?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you supply your weight in English money, please?

12:54 pm  
Blogger holmz said...

103 kilograms = 16.2197236 stone

5:04 pm  

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