Monday, May 22, 2006

A varied diet keeps my tummy interested..

Wednesday night I went to the Patchway Sports and Social to watch Arsenal play Barcelona in the European Champions League Final and I got nice and trolleyed. I had a chicken sandwich before I went, as the soc' can be unreliable with the kitchen (sometimes open, sometimes not). It was open on this occasion, but as I had already eaten I didn't bother.

Thursday lunchtime I went to the pub and had another one of those seafood club salads, with inclusive fruit drink (opted for apple this time). Not all trips to the pub have to result in beer being drank.

After work, I went to the gym (my weight is still teetering round the 104kg mark - which is borderline between overweight and obese according to the BMI indicator) and then went home and had another tin of mean beanz (mexican flavour this time) on toast.

On Friday I grabbed a baguette for lunch before going to the pub, it was a cheese and onion relish roll - but it was quite bland. Once down the pub I had a pint of stella, but given that my mate Matt was on the cokes still, I had a coke for the second round. I went down the pub for a few beers after work, though.

My mate Mike called whilst I was at the pub and asked for some help moving some stuff out of his attic, so I popped round there and had a few more beers and helped him with his attic. When we finished, we sat down and drank some more beer and ate the pasta bake that his missus Michelle had prepared.

Saturday morning I was up bright and early to go to Japfest at Castle Combe. It was very busy and there weren't many burger vans (the ones there were had massive queues). But I still managed to grab myself a hotdog towards the end.

In the evening my parents treated me to a meal out at Bottelinos in Emersons Green. We had tried various other places which were all too busy, but we finally got a table at the Italian.

I had a really nice starter of prawns and avocado. I wasn't sure if you could eat the skin of the avocado, but I did and I seem alright.

Obviously this was all washed down with lots of Stella and wine.

My main course was a tasty seafood fettucini with parmesan cheese and pepper. I didn't have a dessert, I had an Irish coffee instead... and a Stella.

Sunday I didn't go round my parents' for a roast, as I opted to stay and have beans on toast at home. This time the beans were Tikka flavour. Quite nice.

In the evening I went round my Auntie and Uncles, as it was my cousin's 12th birthday. They laid on a spread and it was pretty nice (chilli, curry, etc). Then I went home and watched the latest episode of Lost with Higz and Lee.

Today's lunch in the canteen was chicken and vegetable pie, about the only meat type item on the menu as they are really trying to push veggy stuff this week for some reason.

I'm on-call until Saturday morning this week, so no gym for a while. But no beer either.


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