Wednesday, June 28, 2006

BBQ leftovers and other niceties

This rather blurry shot is of Monday's tea. I was quite knackered when I got home and couldn't be arsed with going to the gym, so I went in the freezer and cooked some quorn peppercorn steaks, a few vegetarian (I think, they were loose in the freezer from the recent barbeque) sausages and some proper beefburgers. I also cooked up some oven chips and then dressed with some leftover Dominos dip (garlic and herb).

I was actually rather pleased with my efforts in the end.

Tuesday lunch I had a rare trip to the pub. We went to the Bradley Stoke, they do 2 meals for a tenner - however there were 3 of us eating, so I got stitched up with the full price. This was mainly because the other 2 were eating expensive steaks, so had the most to gain from the discount - but even so, I had to fork out an extra quid on my lasagne than I would have liked!

Saying that, the lasagne was really nice - even if they did take about 45 mins to bring it out. Won't be going there again in a hurry (or rather, if I'm in a hurry).

After work I went up the gym with my old man, I had eaten a quick burger when I had gotten home and this must have given me some energy because I worked really hard. I was very surprised to weigh in at 102.4kg afterwards, which is defies logic given all the food I have eaten and beer I have drank recently.

After the gym, my Mum invited me in for tea and had cooked up some fish with roasted vegetables. This really went down a treat.

I went home and watched the France v Spain World Cup quarter final and then milled around on my PC for a while before going to bed. I haven't played Football Manager for absolutely ages, so I will have to get on that when I get some time. I can't even remember where I am on it now..

Anyway, today is Wednesday - and the canteen at work was, of course, offering up a roast dinner. This week's roasted meat was beef (I very nearly typed beer then.. wouldn't that be great? Beer in the work canteen!)

The vegetables available today were carrots, swede and red cabbage (always a strange addition).

The fine dinner was finished off with a bowl of mushroom and leek soup with a brown roll. Lovely job!

Right, off home and to the gym now!


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