Monday, June 26, 2006

Football Fanatic

Updating of this thing seems to have turned into a weekly affair. Partly due to blogger's lameness and partly my own lazyness. Also, I seem to have been out drinking an awful lot during this world cup.

So last Monday I went to the gym after work and then my parents' invited me in for tea so I ate half a broccholi quiche, salad and potatoes. This meant that I had to chop up the sausages that were leftover from the barbeque and mixed them in with the leftover pasta to put in some tuppaware to eat at work the next day.

So on the Tuesday, I ate the pasta in the morning and went to the pub for lunch. I had a few beers and got a bit excited, as England were playing in the evening. So after work I think I just ate a nice big bowl of all-bran to fill me up and then got to the Patchway Sports and Social with ample time. England drew 2-2 with Sweden to secure a top place finish in the group stages and set them up with a 2nd round tie against Ecuador.

I came into work on Wednesday morning feeling more than a little ill, so I went down to the canteen and ate a bowl of beans on toast (with a sausage and rasher of bacon). This obviously made me feel a bit better.

A few hours later, at lunchtime, I went down again and enjoyed some pasta in a mushroom sauce, with salad and some cheesey bread. Not bad, although strange not to be eating a roast on a Wednesday (I wasn't that hungry after my breakfast). I then had a bowl of carrot and orange soup (even tho I wasn't particularly hungry, but I had to try it).

I went down the gym after work again and weighed in at 102.6kg - my lowest yet! We'll see tonight whether that is still my weight after all my eating and drinking this week!!

When I got home I chopped up some apple and put it in my all bran and then poured milk all over it.. only to discover that the milk was off and I had to throw it all away! I hate waste, especially when I'm hungry. Instead of this, I had some leftover rolls from the BBQ and had cheese, onion and branston rolls. Very nice.

Thursday lunchtime I had some vegetarian chilli with rice, carrots and cauliflower cheese. I then had a bowl of mushroom and leek soup. After work I went round my Nan's to sort out their internet connection and then went to the gym for an hour and then home for some more all bran!!

Friday was Poj's birthday, so I went to the pub for lunch to load up on beers and then straight back there after work. I was really hungry by the time I got home, so I opened a tin of pilchards and ate them in some leftover rolls (surely out of date by this point). Then I went down town and got slaughtered, as is the procedure. Not sure if I ate, there are no pics on my phone - but Mike reckons there may have been some falafel involved.

Saturday I woke up bright and early, but just lounged around all day doing nothing except watching TV. I ate the rest of the pilchards for dinner, but they were rank - I doubt I will be getting any of them again. Too boney - not what you want from a tin.

In the evening, Lee came over to watch some footy and drink some beer. I ordered in some pizza from Dominos. I had heard good things about their "football fanatic" pizza, so I had one of those on a double decadence base. Very, very tasty - but, as the advert states, unashamedly indulgant!!

Yesterday I got up early to go to the Patchway Sports and Social to watch the England v Ecuador match. I had some all bran before I left and then drank an enormous amount of lager down the Soc. Beckham scored a freekick to secure our place in the Quarter final and later Portugal beat Holland meaning we will play them in the next round (dare we believe?)

So today I came into work with the now familiar hangover. Resisted the temptation of a fried breakfast and instead bought myself a roll.

Later this afternoon, I went to the canteen again and had stuffed peppers with rice. Basic and cheap, but did the job.

I'll be heading down the gym after work and no idea what I will be having for tea, but check back soon and find out - right here on Through the Piehole!


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