Thursday, June 29, 2006

Post-gym creativity

So when I got home from the gym yesterday, quite hungry, I decided to cook myself another one of those "use-up-whats-in-the-freezer" meals. This consists mainly of leftover barbeque goods, much like yesterday.

So I chucked a pair of peppercorn quorn steaks, 3 sausages (meat or quorn, I have no idea), some bacon (definitely meat) and some potato wedges into the oven and then had a looksie in the fridge. I clocked half an onion, which was leftover from those cheese and onion rolls I made last week.

I chopped it up, thinking I would scatter them over my chips or "steaks". Then I had the idea to throw in loads of crushed chillies, some ground black pepper, some mixed herbs, some chilli vinegar and finally a squirt or two of brown sauce. I then mixed it all togethor.

Then, with 5 mins left to go, I opened the oven and threw my crazy mix over the potato wedges to warm up.

It certainly had the desired effect, it spiced things up a treat.

I will have to remember to buy some more onions, as I'm sure that mixture can be spread over anything !!

Well anyway, today is Thursday and the sun has been out pretty much all day. Early signs of a heatwave are being shown and the weather forecast is hot!! Will be 33°C on Monday!!!

For lunch today, I nipped to the canteen as I had heard whispers they were doing lasagne.. although I was mildly disappointed to see it was vegetable lasagne - still nice, but lacking a vital ingredient.

The cheesey bread was quite tasty too.

Didn't bother having a soup "dessert" as I decided to go to the pub and sit in the sun for the rest of my lunch hour (it was lentil soup anyway, whatever that is..)

Was going to go to a leaving party tonight, but have decided to save my money for more important piss ups this month (of which there are many.. and could be more if England progess on Saturday!!!) and go down the gym instead.


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