Monday, July 03, 2006

It was fun while it lasted..

Welcome to July, the month of my birth.

Not a great start to the month though. Got down town early on Saturday afternoon and began drinking heavily. I had eaten some beans on toast with salad and balsalmic vinegar before I left, to try and absorb the alcohol.

We tried the new Sports Bar (formerly the club, Creation), which was alright (4 pint jugs of Kronenburg for £7.50 - bargain).

Obviously we were all very disappointed with the result, although not surprised - we've seen it all before. Luckily I had numbed most of the pain with alcohol.

After the match I stumbled up Park Street and to the end of Whiteladies Road to Sloanes bar where I met up with Boz and Poj. I had a brief knap in the pub while the France v Brazil match was on and then we went to meet the other chaps along the waterfront.

I stopped along the way for a doner kebab, I can't actually remember buying it or eating it - but I did find the photo on my phone later.

I can't really remember much else from the night, only that we had a few drinks of the waterfront and then went to the Arc bar and then Timbuk2 (where the doorman nearly refused me entry as I was wearing my England shirt).

At around 2.15 we left Timbuk2 and grabbed a subway baguette. I opted for a foot long chicken teriaki with all the bits and pieces.

I must admit, I love subway food.

After the subway, we went back to Boz, Poj and Bud's gaff where we watched some TV drank some beer and then I slept round theirs.

Bud gave me a lift home on Sunday morning, but he came and picked me up again later - as it was Gale's birthday so we all went drinking again on the waterfront (nice weather for it).

When I started getting peckish, I ordered a Crayfish tails baguette from the Pitcher and Piano. Extremely tasty!

Happily, Mike gave me a lift home - but it has still been a very expensive weekend.

Today I felt a bit crap in the morning, so I got myself an early doors baguette. Chicken, stuffing and cranberry filling. This sorted me out no end.

In fact, I wasn't hungry around lunchtime - so I went up the pub instead.

I went to the gym after work, not before trying some of Higz's fruit smoothy (various berries blended with ice). I weighed myself at the gym and was another all time low of 100.8kg - could be hitting double figures soon. Crazy..

I went round my parents after the gym. My Mum had done me some roast chicken with stuffing, boiled potatoes, salad and pasta.

This was very filling, especially as I got to have a chicken leg too.. and some extra stuffing.

Mum had also made another of her desserts, strawberries in a kind of custard sauce in a pastry type base. Not sure what it is called, but it is always very tasty.

A bit of icecream on there too, which went down well in the summer's heat.

So I am feeling quite tired now, the weekend is catching up with me it seems.


Blogger Dave said...

Ye Gods Man - do you do nothing but eat and drink? Christ - I am a stone overweight already so the last thing I need is to see the delicious gup that you are tipping down the pie hole. Today I had a bowl of fruit salad (prepared by me) for brekers. A small plate of salad with ham for lunch. Tonight I met this gorgeous bird and had two meals for £9 (a mini mixed grill - but it was enough). All washed down with a pint of the real and a bottle of the local plonk (£3.99) Cheers

12:00 am  
Blogger holmz said...

Mate, you may have hit the nail on the head there. I live to eat and I eat to live..

Thanks muchly for the comment!

11:05 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave's got you bang to rights there.

12:12 pm  
Blogger holmz said...

I'll hold my hands up to that one, aye.

12:16 pm  

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