Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Parties, food and lots of drink...

Friday night was quite busy for me, I ended up going to the pub after work and then down to Fishponds with Mike to see some mates. Then we stopped off at Tony and Terry's for a bit before going home. I had some cheese on toast and went to bed.

Saturday I woke up fairly early because of the heat and had some breakfast of more cheese on toast and used up the last of my bread. In the afternoon I went round Carla and Lee's for some pre-party drinks. I don't remember much of the party, really, as I was quite sauced before it even started kicking off. Needless to say, reports are that I was a gibbering wreck and asleep on my feet for most of the evening.

I kind of woke up on a sofa Sunday morning and went home with Tony (who's moved in to my gaff for a few days while he sorts himself out with somewhere to live!!), I had a good sleep and woke up very hungry.

With nothing to eat in the house, I made an executive decision to order a pizza from Dominos. Admittedly expensive, but they bring the food to you and it tastes goooood - so I was happy. The pizza base of choice was the ever-indulgant "double decadence" (a lovely cheese and herb sauce inside the base - tasty!) and the topping I opted for was "Tandoori HOT" (Tandoori chicken, onions, mushrooms, green peppers, jalapeno peppers and I selected reduced fat cheese.. didn't taste any different, although I am sure is still immensely calorific!). The pizza arrived after 30 minutes and my hunger was quenched.

Eating dominos pizza always makes me feel dirty and used, but it's so damned tasty.

Didn't do much all day really, except watch TV and drink copious amounts of diet lemonade with raspberry (to help rehydrate myself from the previous day's Stella binge, not to mention it has been crazy hot).

Monday I went to work, as usual, and had a canteen lunch, as usual. I had a beef stroganoff with rice and I added some carrots and green beans (to try and reach my 5 portions of fruit and veg per day). This was tasty, but I couldn't help but feel that the option of stir fried vegetables with noodles would have been better (it looked so good).

After work I went to the gym with my Dad and we had a good long work out. I surprised myself by actually weighing in at double figures in kg (99.8kg). I can only put it down to the heat, as I have drank loads over the weekend and eaten a fair bit too. I then went round my parents, where I was treated to a roast dinner with all the trimmings. The meat was beef and it was spot on.

Then I went round Welsh Chris' and watched a film that was shot in his hometown of Swansea, Twin Town and drank my way through a few cans of Stella.

On Tuesday I had an Ocean Pie for lunch (a little bit mash heavy, but some nice fishy things in their too) and then went to the Orchard pub for some soft drinks in the sweltering heat.

After work I picked up Mike and drove to Fishponds to see one of our mates new car (he has bought an almost identical Toyota Celica GT4 ST205 as me) and then I went round my parents house for a barbeque.

The weather was still roasting, but the food was great. I had a really tasty beefburger with all the trimmings as well as a lot of other things like corn-on-the-cob, peppered turkey kebabs and lamb ribs.

There was also plenty of salad and potatoes to go round. I washed this all down with orange juice (the type with bits in - ace).

I also had a nice steak, which I topped with some mustard and various relishes.

Although my Mum was offering ice cream, I was far to full for anything more.

The weather was still so hot, however, that I had a dip in their pool they put up in the summer. Very refreshing.

Then I went home and picked up Tony and went round Mike's, as Rich was there and it was his 26th birthday (old bastard!!)

Today I didn't go to the canteen for lunch, as apparently roast dinner day has moved to Thursdays now!! This will be very weird, a routine broken (how will I cope?) - instead I just ate a crap load of sandwiches that my boss had brought back from a meeting and then I went up the pub to make the most of this heatwave we are having.

After work I am going to the gym again, I wonder if I will still be under 100kgs? I doubt it given the meat feast I had yesterday!! (at the BBQ, obviously)


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