Monday, July 10, 2006

World Cup 2006 ends!!

A busy few days, but I'll start with last Wednesday night. Went to the gym after work and then round my parents for tea. Mum had bought a roast chicken from Morrisons, so we had that with some salad and potatoes.

I then went home and watched Portugal lose to France in the World Cup semi finals. I don't know why, but I really enjoyed this game - particularly when Christiano Ronaldo cried like a baby (again).

Thursday I decided to go to the Hungry Horse for lunch, it had been a while since my last visit. My colleague Martin ordered his food first (a 20oz megasaurus steak - brilliant) and then I went up and ordered my Cow Pie (with a jacket potato specified instead of mash).

Martin's meal came (and went), he did buy me a stella though. Then some time later, a waitress came out and said that they had borked the jacket spud and asked if I wanted chips, new potatoes or mash. Trying to be healthy I ordered new potats.

Shortly after, out comes the waitress again.. No new potatoes!! I opted for mash.. best be safe. To be fair, the nice waitress gave me a free pint of stella - so I was happy. Even though the meal was missing cabbage and carrots (but I was late for work, so I just accepted this and ate it - was pretty bloated too!)

Given that I was bloated and had 3 pints of stella, when I got home after work I went straight to bed and slept for a few hours.

I only ate a small bowl of all-bran with a chopped up apple that evening.

On Friday I had a nice early bite to eat so I could go to the pub during my lunchbreak. I had a rather nice (if small and slightly pricey) prawn, poached salmon, crab and baby spinach roll.

I went to the Orchard after work and Sarah met me there, some time later we went home and then met Carla and Lee to go back to the Hungry Horse (they gave me a free stella!! All was forgiven).

We met Mike and Michelle there and had a few more drinks.

I was going to have a steak, but then bottled it in the end and had a salmon kebab salad. It was very nice, but I think the service was quite bad there (I was pissed, so didn't notice to be honest). I think they brought the chips out late and the waitress had an attititude. The manager came out and said she was new and she had put the rude waitress on pots.

As I said, I didn't really notice.. I was still pleased that they had given me a free stella the other day.

We all left at some point, Lee and I ran home beating the girls by ages!!! Then we stayed up drinking and watching telly.

I threw Carla and Lee out at 2.30am (much to their surprise), but I needed some sleep so that I could be ready for Saturday.

Saturday afternoon I got up and cooked Sarah and myself the last of my quorn sausages, some beans and chips. They went down very well.

Not long after that, I drove Sarah round Michelle and Mike's and traded her in for Mike - so she could go drinking with the girls and I could go down town to drink with the lads.

We all hooked up again at some point and then went to the New World restaurant (it was one of Michelle's friends birthdays). The New World restaurant is an all you can eat (which I love) chinese restaurant and kareoke bar.

This time I managed to remember to take a pic of one of the plates of heaped chinese goodness. How I managed to eat all that and still drink copious amounts of booze and not throw up - I have no idea?!

Can't remember much about the evening (as usual), but I did end up walking halfway home from town before succombing to the taxi temptation.

Sunday afternoon, Sarah and I went to the Mall and did some shopping. Feeling a bit peckish we had a spud-u-like jacket potato. Mine was the "special" (tuna with various other odd things in there). Not bad, if hugely over-priced.

After the Mall, we went to the cinema and watched Pirates of the Caribbean 2. Not bad, but a bit long.

In the early evening, we met up with my parents and brother at the new carvery place at the Venue, Cribbs Causeway, Patchway. I had the carvery (well, you gotta really..) and opted for all the meats (gammon, turkey and beef).

I was quite impressed, although they didn't sell stella there - so I think the Orchard might just win that battle (plus the Orchard let you help yourself to vegetables when you get a carvery - and go up for more if necessary).

I had a dessert, which is very rare for me. It was ice cream made with honey with little honey comb chocolate balls. Dressed with honey and chocolate sauce. Very nice.

After this I went round Lee's with some stellas and watched the World Cup Final. It was a great match and Italy eventually won on penalties and then we watched the Montage! Emotional.

Well the World cup is over and there is 4 years until the next one (2010 - I will be turning 30!), still we have the rugby world cup next year and the European Championships the year after. So it's not all bad news.

Well today's canteen offering was pretty good, a chicken and mushroom dish with rice.

I followed it up with some vegetable soup and a bread roll.

After work I went up the gym with my Dad, weighed myself and came in at 102kg. So moving away from my double figure goal.

I went round my parents after work for tea again, it was a chicken breast with bacon and cheese. Nice. Also some green beans, mashed swede and carrot with boiled potatoes and some ciabatta.

Washed down with some Orange juice. I think I got my 5 fruit n veg portions today.


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