Monday, August 21, 2006

A busy week ahead?

Thursday night I got home from work and was hungry as soon as I walked through the door, so I opened a tin of vegetable curry (that I had bought for Global Gathering) and heated it up, spiced it up with some extra hot curry powder and ate it on toast.

I didn't do much else that evening, if I remember correctly, as I loaded up my old game of Football Manager and ended up reigniting my addiction.

On Friday I had an early bite to eat, so I could go to the pub during my lunch hour. The canteen now sells tubs of food as well, so I bought a tub of prawns with spicy noodles (which were really nice) and a tub of mixed fruits (pineapple, peach, mango and melon) - both of which I ate at my desk.

After work I went home and started playing Football Manager again immediately, then Sarah called to say she was just hitting Bristol and did I want her to pick some food up on the way through.

Obviously I was all for that, so she picked up a lasagne, some garlic bread and some oven chips. She then cooked this up and we ate it before going round Nathan's to watch the Big Brother final.

The next morning I was woken early by a callout, so when I had finished that I went back to bed - but Sarah was up then. She wanted to go pick up some food for the day, so I gave her my switch card and PIN and let her go out and fetch some food.

She came back with lots of ingredients and a crate of stella (for me, paid for by me). So for lunch we had chicken goujons, salad in balsalmic vinegar and chips with pitta bread. For the rest of the day we just lounged around and watched Life on Mars on DVD.

In the evening, Sarah cooked the rest of the chicken in with mushrooms, peas and broccholi in a cream and Philadelphia sauce with egg pasta. We even had some garlic bread with it, very filling! Still managed some fruit for dessert though.

Yesterday was my parents' 29th wedding anniversary, so I went round there for Sunday lunch. Sarah had already made arrangements to see her friend, Craddock.

I went round there at 1.30 and had a breaded camembert starter and the main course was roast beef, with lots of trimmings (leek and cabbage in a cheese sauce, mashed swede, broccholi, cauliflower, carrots, Yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes and gravy) - was a shame I left my phone in my jacket pocket, as I didn't get any pics. Needless to say it was all washed down with lots of red wine and Stella.

Later Sarah picked me up and we were supposed to be going to the Croft to watch a mate's band play, but everyone else bottled it - so Sarah and I also decided not to go. We went home and Sarah ordered a pizza, but I was too full. Sarah then put on a DVD, but it was absolutely pants - The Libertine. I am fairly sure I fell asleep.

I got up early this morning so I could return the damn thing, as Sarah had got it out in my name and gone back to Surrey this morning before the place opened. However, despite getting there at 9.20 - the blasted place (Cyclops) was still not open. So I drove there at 13:00 instead to return it.

I then got back to work and had lunch the in the canteen, the food on offer was some kind of lamb curry with rice. It was tasty, but I still needed a vegetable soup and roll to fill me up!

After work this evening, I will be going to something called Bodypump at the Riverside gym with Welsh Chris. Tomorrow I will be training with my mate Gale at Greyfriars Athletic FC and Wednesday I will probably just go to the gym.

Then Thursday night I should be going to the Gower for a long weekend camping.


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