Monday, August 14, 2006

Zoo food rocks!

Last Wednesday after work I went home and then picked up my Dad and went to the gym. First time back for a while and it was hard work, but at the end of it I weighed 99.2kgs - which is totally my lowest weight yet since starting the gym.

Afterwards, I went round my parents. My Mum was out playing skittles, but she had left Dad and I some tea. Dad had sausages in mash and I had fish pie with veg.

Thursday is currently roast dinner day in the canteen, but I do miss roast dinner Wednesday - a great half way point through the week. By the canteen moving it to Thursday has really thrown my internal clock out of whack. I keep getting my days confused, but it does mean the week seems shorted - imagine if they'd moved roast dinner day to Tuesday!!

Anyway, the roast meat of choice was turkey (much to the displeasure of some colleagues). In fact, it was a very tasty meal and I no doubt followed it up with french onion soup.

After work I went to the gym again. This time on my own, which meant I got there quite late. I worked quite hard, but still nowhere near as fit as I need to be. In any case, my weight was still 99.2kgs. When I started at the gym I was 17.5 stone, now I am 15.6 stone, it's slow and steady progress.

When I got home I had the last of my cans of "Hunger Breaks" (beans with various additional things in there), this one was "kebab attack" - so had kebab meat in there. I spiced it up with very hot chilli powder and had it on toast. Proper job.

Friday lunchtime was, of course, pubtime. I did grab myself a prawn cocktail baguette to munch on the way, which was quite tasty and kept me alive for a bit.

After work I went to the pub again, I had got a lift off of Higz in the morning - so could drink as much as I wanted. I bumped into an Aunt and Uncle in the pub, so had a few beers with them. Mike, Michelle, Katheryn and Sarah arrived shortly after and we drank some more, before going back to Mike and Michelle's house to order in a takeaway Chinese.

We opted for a meal for 4 (Sarah had something seperately). I also had a quarter of a duck and some spring rolls.

After some more drinks, Sarah and I went home. She had bought me some Bock Artois (a new beer from the makers of Stella).

On Saturday we (Higz, Lee, Sarah and I) went to the zoo. Not sure why, someone suggested it and I hadn't been for a while so I went. Obviously there were loads of animals or whatever there, but the highlight for me was the pizza I had. Only 4 quid for a ham and pineapple, which was pretty darn tasty too.

After the zoo, we tried to go to the White Lion hotel around the corner for some drinks - but parking proved impossible due to the Balloon Fiesta that was happening over the bridge at Ashton Court. So we ditched that plan.

I ended up driving to the Three Brooks in Bradley Stoke with Lee and Tony for a couple of pints.

Then Sarah and I went to the Hungry Horse for a meal, she had some 2-for-1 vouchers which made the meal much cheapness. I had a chicken roast dinner, but ended up eating a fair bit of Sarah's meal too.

On Sunday, Sarah had bought some chicken kievs so she cooked that for me with roasters and veg in the afternoon and I watched the Charity Shield on TV.

Later on we went to watch Superman Returns at the cinema, followed by a meal at Frankie and Bennys. Despite there being much of the menu that appealed, I went for the barbeque chicken lasagne again. It was well tasty and the waitress was a gashead, so a very good meal out.

We then went back to the house and watched "Bulletproof Monk" on the telly.

So this morning Sarah went home and I went to work.

I had a spicy sausage hotpot for my lunch - with carrots, green beans and sweetcorn. This was followed by a bowl of vegetable soup (with ground black pepper) with a roll.

Stay tuned for more food related adventures..


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