Monday, August 07, 2006

There's never enough Prawns..

So after work on Thursday I went round my parents and picked up a few tubs of prawns, one of which I ate in the evening (with just a small pot of seafood sauce. I love prawns).

Friday rolled into existance as Thursday expired and I woke up several hours later and went into work. A server had died over the road, so I went over and battled through security to fix it. To help me on my journey I enlisted the help of 2 sandwichs. 1 was Mexican chicken and the other was chicken and stuffing. Both were 95p each. Bargain. Anyway, I munched on these and stomped over to the necessary data centre and "fixed" the problem using a tried and tested restart method. Then I hooked up with Mike, who works at that site, and went for a few beers at a nearby pub (The Black Sheep). I was appalled that the prices here were so high and the beer so crap, but I plugged away anyway. God knows why we used to drink there all the time, in fact, I have even seen a New Year in there (possibly twice).

I then walked back to the office and got back to work. When home time came, I got home and was immediately invited to the Patchway Sports and Social. I hadn’t been there since the England v Ecuador World Cup match, so I instantly agreed. I had myself a prawn sandwich and met up with Lee, Holder and Welsh Chris for a few beers. Luckily I wasn't paged out all evening.

Saturday roared into action with me waking up quite late in the afternoon. I felt quite rough from the night before, but I went downstairs and had a ham and cheese toasty.

Nothing much of interest happened Saturday, just a nice relaxed evening in. I think I ended up watching Jackass the Movie, which was on the telly, and had a microwave sausage hotpot for my tea.

On Sunday I woke up and made myself a prawn sandwich using the last of my prawns. I then worked for 4 hours on a a call out, which tied into around the time my parents came back from Exmouth - so I went round there and had a roast beef Sunday dinner.

After that I drove to the Avon Gorge hotel (White Lion?) to join Mike, Michelle, Bud, Boz and Poj for a few drinks.

Today is Monday, which means I am no longer tied to my pager. This means I can start going to the gym again, I wonder what I will weigh now. I haven't been to the gym for over a week.

I was hungry in the morning and was easily talked into going downstairs for breakfast by a work colleague. I had a bowl of porridge, but couldn't help but yearn for the heart-stopping, artury-clogging, gut-busting fried breakfast that my colleague had. Porridge was nice too, though.. :-/

I was disappointed with the choice available in the canteen at dinner time, though. I ended up choosing a pork chop covered in a honey and apple sauce with sweetcorn, carrots and green beans. Frankly forgettable. I hope they do better tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. You did get paged on saturday night, just it was self inflicted :)

2. I know you don't wanna go to the gym in case you get paged and have to leave but you should consider doing something else instead. Go for a jog or a walk, especially whilst the weather is so nice! Just go in a large loop keeping your house in the center, then you can just head home quickly should the need arise.

6:12 pm  
Blogger holmz said...

A good piece of advice.. saw some numpties running around Patchway earlier today - just sprinting up and down the same stretch of path near my house.

Of course, if I did the same I would have to also class myself as a numpty.

It's a risk...

12:04 am  

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