Monday, July 31, 2006

Global Gathering!!!

So last Tuesday night I did go round my parents and test my tent out. It went up a treat, it is a veteran of many a Glastonbury festival this tent and so I was quite surprised it was still OK. When I got home I ate some chilli cheese on toast and cleaned the house up.

The next day (Wednesday AKA the day that was formerly roast dinner day in the canteen) I had a vegetarian chilli for lunch in the canteen. There wasn't much of a choice. I did bulk it up, however, with some carrots and sweet corn and even dropped a dollop of sour cream on there too.

Afterwards I noticed that the soup of the day was french onion, so I got myself a bowl with a bread roll.

In the evening I went to the gym with my Dad again. Worked out, but not hard because my hamstring on my left leg went quite painful for some reason. At the end of the session I weighed in at 100.4kg's again.

After I had dropped my Dad off at home, I drove to Asda and did some shopping for Global Gathering. I forgot most sensible things and ended up buying 14 tins of ring pull opening foodstuffs (including various "Hunger Breaks", Del Monte fruits and curries), a crate of Stella and some fruit juices.

I also purchased a vegetable pizza from Asda. I grated some extra cheese onto it too and then I spiced it up with my own personal collection of mixed herbs, crushed chillies and ground peppers to make it inedible to the average man. To me, it was a rather tasty piece of pizza.

I did regret eating it all in one sitting though, I felt quite bloated afterwards.

The next day was Thursday AKA the new Roast Dinner day in the canteen. The meat of the day was ham (one of my favourites) and the portions were very generous. The canteen also had a bowl of ground pepper corns to sprinkle onto it, which I did and was quite impressed with.

After work I packed my stuff for Global Gathering and then went round Welsh Chris' for a pre-GG barbeque. I took round some Stella and some meat leftover from the barbeque we had at the house recently, as well as some cheese and onion bread (like garlic bread, but without the garlic).

Friday morning, we (Carla, Lee, Welsh Chris, Welsh Sarah, Ian, Bud, Gale, Mike, Jot and myself) all went to Global Gathering. The food and drink there was very expensive (35 quid for a 24 pack of Carlsberg in the campsite, 3.50 per 500ml bottle inside the festival part), but luckily I had my Stella and tins of food to keep me going.

The only food that I remember buying in there was a roast pork and stuffing roll, which wasn't too bad and only cost a fiver.

I came back from the festival completely knackered on Sunday and ate a few more of my tins. Later on in the evening, my parents came back from Exmouth and took me out for a meal at that new carvery place at the venue. I wasn't that hungry, but still managed to eat my way through a carvery meal with all the trimmings.

Today I came back to work and am on-call (just what you need after a music festival), but it was someone's birthday so I got to eat a load of cakes and stuff. This meant I wasn't too hungry by the time I went to lunch, but I still snarfed down a mixed bean curry with rice and a tomato and carrot soup.

I will be leaving work now and going round my parents, as I have a birthday card to pick up and a ready meal of some Chinese noodles to eat round there.


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