Tuesday, July 25, 2006

My 26th birthday and other stories..

So Wednesday evening I went to the gym with my Dad, I weighed in at 100.6kgs - so quite near my target still.

When I got back to my parents I invited myself in for tea, as I was hungry and had nothing to eat at my gaff. My Mum was cooking fried eggs and chips, but I persuaded her to whip me up a lasagne instead. Microwave job, but quite tasty!!

Thursday, as I mentioned in my previous post, was unusual. Thursday is now the new roast dinner day in the canteen. Fair enough, I thought, so I had a roast beef with yorkshire pudding (rare that they do a yorkshire pudding, but exciting).

I had my roasty and then got myself tested by some Esporta gym representatives who were testing peoples fitness to try and coax them into joining their gym. I was proved to be quite fit (good lung capacity and heart rate), but overweight (28% body fat and a BMI of 28.3). They recommended balancing my high impact gym activity with some low impact gym stuff. I scoffed slightly, as I already combine my cardio work and am seeing a slow reduction in weight and stuff. Unfortunately I gave them my phone number and now I keep getting loads of calls from 0117 numbers and the occassional private number. Silly me.

After work I rushed to the Downs as my mate, Welsh Chris, was arranging a kickabout down there. I was worried that I might not be fit enough for a full 90 mins of 11 v 11 and I certainly doubted my skills as I am way out of practise. The game went quite well and I even scored the opening goal. I had a few chances and even scored a hattrick, one of which was a header. I also had a header hit the post (well, it went over the post.. jumpers for goalposts and all that). I soon got proper knackered, but only about the same amount as everyone else. After the game, I went round Bud, Boz and Poj's house for a glass of water (which soon turned to cans of stella and I finally left there at about 1am).

Friday I had the day booked off from work, so that I could go out drinking all day. Finally got down town at 3pm and I was absolutely starving, so after a quick pint in the Pitcher and Piano on the waterfront - we went next door to Lloyds to eat.

I opted for the 2 meals for 6 quid offer and had a lasagne and sweet and sour chicken. Both meals were very tasty, however a few beers and a full stomach meant that I did feel drowsy for an hour or so.

We drank our way through to the evening and finally ended up going to the Unity rave at Lakota, not before we stopped at the crepe van by the waterfront. I had some kind of spicy chicken crepe and it was beautiful - highly recommended.

I got home about 3am and went straight to bed.

Saturday was my birthday (26 years old now, what an old bastard). It was also the first day of the Ashton Court festival. So after Sarah had got me a McDonald's breakfast (not often will you read about McDonald's meals on here, but it was my birthday and Dominos wasn't open yet).

In the early afternoon, we hooked up with some mates and got a taxi to Ashton Court (stopping on the way to stock up on stella). The festival was great, although again I got completely mullered. I have to say they had some great food there, but unfortunately I don't think I ate anything.. I did partake in some pear cider though - which was great!!

On Sunday, I went round my parents and was given my cards and presents. The new Rovers shirt from my parents, the "Life on Mars" DVD from my brother, some books and a DVD from Sarah and lots of vouchers.

Then we went out for dinner, we went to the Royal in Portishead for a three course meal (and, of course, some wine and some beer).

I had some kind of mozarella and olive salad for starters, which I wolfed down because I was hungry!

Then for my main course I opted for roast chicken, this was also very nice indeed.

I don't usually have desserts, but on this occasion I decided to have a Baileys Crème Brûlée.

According to my Mum I drank 7 pints of stella during the meal and a fair few glasses of wine.

Once we got home, I had some further wine, beer and port and some chocolate cake (which due to my drinking exploits mostly ended up rubbed over the dog's face).

The morning after I wasn't feeling too good and woke up when Sarah left at 6am. I couldn't get back to sleep, so came into work early (which did mean I could leave early though).

Lunch was OK anyway and I really needed it - a peppered steak in a roll with coleslaw and I added some carrots and cabbage to make it look a little bit healthy.

I went to the gym straight after work too and didn't do too badly considering my heavy weekend. Sweated most of my alcohol out.

Weighed myself at the end of it and surprisingly was 100.4kg.

After the gym I went to my parents house and had some quiche and salad with new potatoes and lashings of balsalmic vinegar.

I ended up having a fairly late night last night and therefore have been knackered all day today.

I still made the canteen for lunch and there was some tasty pie. Beef and vegetable pie with carrots, cabbage and cheese cauliflower.

Plan this evening is to dig out my festival tent and stuff and take it round my parents to set up and make sure it's still habitable (as I am off to Global Gathering on Friday!!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is absolutely fascinating stuff, thanks. Makes Sunday night much more bearable. By the way you spelt my name wrong. See you soon to compare food stories. Lots of love. Mike, Michelle and Kathryn xx PS we are proud of you for your weight loss.Keep up the good work. Mike says, "Get you arse on a bike...He will see you in Cwmcarm" (Whatever that means!!! Ask Welsh Chris...)

9:07 pm  

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