Thursday, August 03, 2006

A week off the gym (on-call)

Monday evening went ahead as planned, I went round my parents and had some microwave Chinese noodles. As I was on-call, I didn't go to the gym or anything (that 2 digit kg weight target must be slipping badly). Instead I tinkered around on my PC until late.

I got paged out in the night which meant I didn't get to work until just before lunchtime anyway, but I made sure I got fed. I opted for sweet and sour pork from the canteen (with rice, carrots and courgettes to bulk it up). This was followed with an obligatory bowl of soup with a roll. The soup was carrot and orange - zesty!

After work I went round my Grandparents to thank them for my card and then back round my parents for tea. The meal was cod in some kind of sauce with boiled spuds, carrots and green beans. I got paged out at 9pm and then went home and tweaked around with my wireless network for a bit.

Wednesday morning, a work colleague talked me into going downstairs for a contraversial breakfast. Normally I only go to the canteen for breakfast if I have a hangover and need some food, so it was a bit wrong to have one for no reason.

It was a good bit of scran nonetheless.

Of course, an early meal such as this only meant that I wasn't hungry at lunchtime. Which wasn't all bad, there wasn't much there. I went for a jacket potato and a kind of familiar sweet and sour pork filling (looked and tasted much like what I had in the canteen the day before..)

After work I came home and did some fiddling round on my network again, this time configuring my wireless and infrared webcam to periodically post images to my webserver. Then I wrote a script on the webserver to collect the last image and move it to a public folder. This means I can remotely view whatever I decide to point my webcam at, without having to faff around with that stupid java program and stuff. Nice.
Anyway, my evening meal wasn't anything too exciting. I had a sliced turkey breast sandwich on white bread, followed by a tin of Del Monte pineapple chunks.

Well, today is a Thursday and that meant roast dinner day in the canteen (this still doesn't seem right, I miss roast dinner Wednesday..) - today's meat was lamb. It was a whole new lamb joint ready to be carved when I went to the canteen.. however the young canteen "dinner lady" seemed only to dust my plate with the fat from around the edge. She's obviously new, as the seasoned old pro's generally cut the joint in half and carve from the middle. Anyway, I gave her my plate back and asked for some actual meat and she duly obliged with a very generous additional meaty slice.

The roasty was a definite winner and I was quite full, but still found the room for a cream of onion soup and a bread roll for "afters".

Some more quality news, my Dad just rang saying he has a bag of prawns that I can have - so I will definitely be driving round there after work to pick them up!


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