Thursday, October 19, 2006

Check out what I has made..

I did go to the gym on Tuesday night, but it was quite late in the evening (due to traffic). Afterwards I popped into Tescos, mainly because it is right next to the gym - but also because I wanted to buy some more of those salmon lasagnes that I had round my parents the day before.

I also needed some sauce for the taglietelli that Sarah had bought some time ago that needed using up and also the chicken left over from the weekend stew.

I ended up buying a few things, the sauce for the chicken and pasta I got was garlic and mushroom. I managed to find a salmon lasagne (only one, though, unfortunately). I also purchased some mushrooms, parsley, some tins of (mainly seafood type) soup, a loaf of bread, lots of herbs and spices.

I also picked up some discounted items from the reduced to clear section. I have noted the good thing about going to the supermarket to get food to eat immediately, is that they sell fish and seafood stuff that needs using up for not a lot. So I bought a salmon terrine (smoked salmon filled with a salmon mousse) for a quid and a pack of seafood for 75p.

I meant to eat it as a starter before cooking the chicken and pasta, but I ended up filling myself up.

I decided to cook the pasta stuff up anyway - so I chopped the chicken, some mushrooms, an onion and some garlic and fried it up. I also boiled the taglietti.

I also spiced up the mixture with black pepper, mixed herbs and lots of parsley.

When the mixture and the pasta was cooked, I drained the pasta and added it to the rest. Then I added the sauce.

Once it was all mixed up and cooked through, I rammed as much of it as I could into some tuppaware. Then what was left in the pan I ate myself. Very tasty.

I actually remembered to take the tuppaware containing my creation to work the next day for lunch, but was dismayed to note that the canteen was serving lamb lasagne (one of my favourites of the canteen specials).

However I warmed my pasta in the canteen microwave and ate it anyway. It was very nice (although I was still thinking of the lasagne all the way through it).

After work I went to the gym again and did my usual workout. I went straight from work, so I could have had a lot of time there - but my tummy started moaning at me, so I was forced to go home and eat.

I tried one of the seafood soups I had purchased, it was some kind of seafood gumbo and contained prawns and lobster amongst other things. I spiced it up with chilli powder, pepper, mixed herbs and parsley and it was quite tasty. I had lots of bread for dipping, so it filled me up nicely.

So to today, Thursday, as we should all know by know.. Thursdays are roast dinner days in the canteen. Today the meat was pork and the portions were generous. One small gripe was that they have started charging for stuffing now - tightwads - 25p for a chunk of stuffing. That must have been what pushed my bill up past 3 quid.

I did have a carrot and coriander soup with a roll for afters though.

Tonight I will be training with Greyfriars again, although I doubt I will be able to play this weekend in the cup match - as I am on-call this weekend. Booo! Which especially sucks as the footy team are having a night out in the evening, which would have been a good drinking chance.


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