Monday, October 09, 2006

White Van Holmz?

I went football training on Thursday after work. Another pretty good session, definitely felt fitter and scored another goal. My parents needed to borrow my car, as their one is broken - so I dropped that round after football and popped in for a surprise tea.

Breaded chicken with boiled spuds and various vegetables.

Friday was a day that I had been looking forward to for a while.. a corporate event in town on a Friday afternoon meant easy access to a night of drunken debauchery. I had a quick sweet and sour vegetables with rice in the canteen before heading to town.

The plan came off well and myself and several work colleagues were in a pub on the waterfront nice and early. When we got hungry, we went to Lloyds Bar One and ordered our meals (most from the 2 for 6.99 menu, although none of us ate 2 meals at that time - unlike me on my birthday night out at the same place).

I apparently had the lasagne, although I don't remember ordering it or eating it (yes, I was obviously wasted by this point). I do like the lasagnes from there, it's a real shame I can't remember eating it. It must have satisfied me because I think I fell asleep soon after (although I did get a second wind and went to Sloanes eventually with the guys).

Somehow, Saturday morning I woke up in my own bed at home (I have since heard from Tony that I had a taxi back with Mike and himself, although I can't still remember it). After eating a quick bowl of muesli, I got my football stuff together and met up with my footy team mates for the game.

I was pleased to have been chosen to start the match (more to do with lack of other players than my own rise in the pecking order, perhaps), we lost the match 6-1 despite going 1-0 up. I think the highlight of the game for me was a confrontation with one of the opposition full-backs who threatened to meet me after the game, managed to keep my cool and not get sent off - must be getting old.. although I managed to last the 90 mins without getting out of huff, but I think that says more about my involvement in the game than my fitness. Getting better though.

After the game I went home with the intention of going down the social to watch England v Macedonia in the Euro qualifiers. However felt quite knackered, so Lee came round and we watched it on the telly instead.

At half time my lazyness must have peaked, because I couldn't even be bothered to cook myself anythinf - so Lee and I ordered a pizza from Pizza Hut (I was curious to see what pizzas from there are like and I had some mailshot mentioning several offers). Unfortunately I couldn't order online, as the site incorrectly suggested they didn't deliver to my postcode (so probably won't use them again). The offer was buy one get one half price and also some free garlic bread.

I ordered a large supreme deluxe with a "cheesey bite" base (basically the crust was a series of dough balls filled with cheese, quite impractical really) and Lee had a chicken delux with the same size and base.

I ate the whole of mine during the footy and felt quite sick, it tasted nice - but the cheesey bites made it very filling. I don't think Lee liked his much, as he left half of it round mine (and refused to take it with him). So Higz and I had that for breakfast on Sunday.

In non-food news, I also got a van on Saturday. I have been talking of getting one for a while, but now my parents are without a car they decided to get themselves a runner while they are car-less and offered me the chance on going halves with them on a van. So they bought a white Ford Escort 1.8D van from somewhere for 500 notes, which I will take off their hands when they get their one back.

So as I said, Sunday breakfast was leftover pizza and I didn't eat much else until the evening - where I got very hungry and never had much food in the house. I ended up cooking some potato wedges, boiling up some curried rice from a packet and then opening a tin of vegetable curry and eating that. It was, ummm, different. Not bad though.

Today is Monday and the beginning of a week on-call. Well until 9am on Saturday anyway, because a chap from work needed the weekend after off to go on holiday so asked me to swap. Which should work out better for me anyway, as there is no footy game that week - so I may end up playing this Saturday after all.

I had lunch in the canteen today, opted for chicken curry with rice. Not bad. Was a shame the soup was leek and potato, so I didn't bother with that..

After work I went to the Mall, I haven't been there for ages. I wanted to use up some birthday gift vouchers and get some CDs and DVDs. I was also after a kit bag for football. I didn't manage to get a kit bag, but I did see 5 people I knew there - popular place that Mall.

After the Mall I went to Asda and picked up some food for tea. I bought some salad, some herring, some prawns and some mussels. I decked the salad out and sprinkled it with lots of prawns and mussels. I also stuffed the herrings with prawns and mussels and cooked it up. Extremely tasty!

I've also just noticed my insurance is up at the end of the month, I have got a quick quote online and it was 550 quid! That is without the van.. ouch!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Worryingly I have recently started drinking soup after my lunch at work.! I won't take you take all the credit because I only realised just how often you did it when I was browsing through on Saturday.!

You are indeed a post-meal soup drinking genius. Hehe.

6:32 pm  
Blogger holmz said...

Soup is clearly the way forward. So simple, yet so effective.

And the bread roll accompaniment never fails to excite...

10:31 am  

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