Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Count the Salmon..

This log entry kicks into action on Friday afternoon where the canteen did not appeal and forced a couple of us to the Hungry Horse. I had a whole chicken crown with a pork sausage and veg with a jacket potato. A few people in my team at work are not fans of the Hungry Horse, they write it off every time but never giving a very good excuse. I like the Hungry Horse, myself. I used to eat lots of 20oz steaks there (before I started being a bit more careful over my dietry habits). The mixed grills there are also top drawer.

As with any typical Friday afternoon, though, when I got back I ended up working on a fairly large fault that wouldn't go away and (as on-call chappy) had to stay in the office trying to fix it.

This was a concern, as I had plans to go to Saffrons curry house after work with Sarah and some friends. Luckily I managed to resolve the fault before we had to order, so I was back in time to select what I wanted from the menu.

I haven't eaten at a sit down type Indian restaurant for ages and, not being a fan of poppadoms, ordered myself a keema naan for starters. Quite filling for a starter but washed down with Kingfisher lager sorted it out.

For my main course I chose the sag king prawn curry (one of the most expensive curries on the menu). I should probably try ordering a hotter curry next time as this was quite mild, but I just love king prawns and do like the spinach in the curry too.

It did fill me up very well though, perhaps I shouldn't have had a hungry horse for lunch. Or a keema naan for starters. I certainly wouldn't have been able to manage a dessert (not that they looked very appetising anyway).

I was proper knackered anyway, but didn't get much sleep that night as I kept getting paged.

Nonetheless I turned out for Greyfriars on Saturday afternoon (after eating a load of muesli). I started the match again and lasted the full 90 mins, but was left frustrated again and the team virtually collapsed against the opposition from Knowle. We lost 10-0 (although the Knowle team provided the ref, who kept giving dubious penalties).

I drove back from Knowle and met up with the other Greys teams for a beer and voting of man of the match (I got 2 votes for MotM, not sure why).

Then I drove my parents to some hotel in Brislington for a wedding party and then got home in time for a Moroccan stew that Sarah had made from chicken, chick peas, almonds, garlic, apricot and cous cous (I know all this as I found the ingredients in the kitchen). It was very tasty and very filling (especially as I ate most of Sarah's too).

On Sunday I wasn't allowed much of a lie in, as it was Sarah's sister's birthday - so Sarah drove me up to Surrey in the early afternoon. We did stop at Leigh Delamere services on the way, for breakfast. I had a poached salmon and watercress which had probiotic yoghurt in too apparently. It kept the hunger pangs at bay for a bit anyway.

The birthday meal was at a restaurant called the Boat House in Chertsey. I didn't take any pictures, but the food was good. I had a starter of prawn salad with avocado and a main course of a shoulder of lamb with roasted vegetables.

I got dropped off at Reading train station, where I was unpleasantly surprised that the cost of a fare back to Bristol Parkway was £35. Then endured the hour long train ride to Bristol, where my brother picked me up and took me home.

Monday (yesterday) I went to work and ate my lunch in the canteen. There was, again, very little choice (I am going to have to read the canteen feedback intranet at some point for some humour) - but I decided on a vegetable chilli. It was OK. Just OK. I of course had the obligatory soup (vegetable) for dessert, with a brown roll.

After work I went to the gym with my Dad in our new van. I had quite a short work out as we also had to use the time to renew our membership for the next year (worked out about £150 each). I weighed myself after the work out and was 95.5kg.

I got to drive the van home - very strange, not what I am used to (obviously).

My Mum invited me in for tea, so I ate my tea with my parents. It was salmon lasagne and was very tasty indeed! I will have to get some of them from Tesco myself. It was well nice. The potatoes were Cypriot, also pretty tasty.

Well today is Tuesday. For some unknown reason I had a baguette for breakfast. It was a salmon, lemon dill, crème fraiche and radichio baguette. Fancy.

I still had lunch, though. It was an uninspiring line up, but I plumped for the vegetable risotto which I added peas and carrots to. It was mediocre to poor, even by canteen standards. At least the tomato soup was nice and tasty.

Tonight I plan to hit the gym again and then rush home to watch the footy (Man Utd v FC Copenhagen)

Sarah did leave some ingredients round my gaff, so I might cook myself something tonight. Will need to pick up some pasta sauce type stuff though (I have chicken and tagliatelli).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah the delightful sound of a Kingfisher being poured in a curry house is, to me, the one thing that totally makes an indian meal for me. May I suggest a special kharai next time.?

Maybe a tikka jalfrezi if you are prepared to take the consequences on your bottom.

8:27 pm  
Blogger holmz said...

I am very much prepared for my bottom to take the consequences, although I draw the line at penetration.

I once ate a Phal curry for a bet, although unfortunately the 'bookie' in this instance failed to pay up.

Beaton is such a welcher!

11:32 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha that's harsh and rather sly that you slipped it in there!

Reminds me that I owe you £5 though. Best meet up for a beer some time at lunch to cough up and celebrate the end of a brilliant year in culinary blogging :)

1:07 am  

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