Thursday, March 16, 2006

Coming soon :- 2 weeks of Sun, Sand and Steak!!

Well not much food eating of interest in the past week. In fact, I have been avoiding buying food as I am off to Florida tomorrow.

So Wednesday night I even only had a salad with cheese and branston for my tea! Nice and simple.

So I went to the gym on Wednesday, and weighed myself - I was 103.2kg (my lightest yet). This was notable, because I will weigh myself when I get back from the states and see how much I have put on with all their fatty foods I will be ingesting. I plan on trying some proper big steaks.

Tonight, after packing, I went out for a meal with my parents up the Masons Arms - I had a stilton and mushroom melt to start and a salmon with prawn skewer thing for main course. Lovely job!

Anyway, only a few hours until I am off to Orlando, FL. No doubt I will be back in 2 weeks with tales of big steaks and all you can eat breakfasts!!! I can't fucking wait! Get in my fucking belly.

Monday, March 13, 2006

The usual... eatin', drinkin' and bein' merry

Friday after work I was so hungry (I had skipped lunch to go to the pub), so I went to Asda after work and bought myself a garlic chicken. I then went home and ate most of it. Once I had played some Football Manager (pretty much won everything there is to win with Bristol Rovers), I ambled on over Carla and Lee's with Higz.

We watched some more season 2 of Lost and everyone else ate some fajitas (unfortunately I had eaten too much chicken to be hungry, but that was probably lucky for everyone else!!) - I went home after watching some South Park and had myself a reasonably early night (to prepare for Higz's birthday night out).

I woke up on Saturday morning around 2pm and walked to the Patchway Sports and Social club with my Dad to meet up with Lee to watch some sports and drink some beer.

I ate the rest of that garlic chicken in a sandwich and then got a taxi to town with the guys and proceeded to get very drunk. Not really sure what happened, but I don't think I ate anything anyway (quite the reverse, in fact - apparently I chundered all over a dance floor somewhere).

Sunday was a day of recovery. My parents took me out for a meal at the Fox Den. I had a starters of mussels (I love my seafood).

For main course I had a roasted salmon with assorted veg. Not too bad. Apologies for the poor quality images, the lighting in the Fox Den leaves much to be desired. Food is nice though.

The food did me a world of good, but I was still feeling a bit rank - so even though Higz and I had people over in the evening, nobody was drinking.

I think today's canteen meal deserves a place in this entry, braised lamb and cous cous. I love cous cous, not entirely sure what it is - but I like it!

Big up the cous cous!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Pie saves the day!

Since specifying that I ate in the canteen every day in the recent online questionairre thingy, I have only eaten in the canteen once this week.

Pictured left is the meal I opted for on Tuesday, a beef hot pot with some added veg.

Not too bad, to be fair. If maybe a bit ordinary. I think I had a cheese, salad and picalilly sandwich in the evening - not much to write home about there.

Wednesday is roast dinner day in the canteen, however we opted to go to the Bradley Stoke pub for lunch - there were 3 of us eating, and I got the short straw of being excluded from the 2-for-1 offer. I had myself a full price (!!) sticky chicken salad. A paltry portion, certainly not worth paying full price for.

I had to console myself with some Stella (one pint of which had an ever-expanding head - I had to drink it quick before a mess was made!)

Anyway, Wednesday was also my housemate's (Higz) 26th birthday - so we went round Carla and Lee's in the evening and watched some South Park. Everyone ordered in pizza from Dominos, apart from me - as I was still full up from eating too much muesli and cornflakes before I went out and couldn't justify paying for a pizza (especially as I still felt aggrieved by the salad I had forked out for earlier!!)

Happily, the birthday boy gave me a slice of his Tandori Hot Double Decadence. Nice. He then blew out the candles on his chocolate birthday cake and we got to eating that.

Today (well, Thursday.. I appreciate that it is Friday now - strictly speaking) the canteen had Lamb Lasagne on the menu.. which is great news because the lamb lasagne is always spot on, but I felt like going up the Bradley Stoke pub and having some stella and a 2-for-1 meal with someone to give the place a chance to redeem itself with me.

I chose myself a steak and ale pie with chunky chips and it certainly filled I up - so the Bradley Stoke pub is just about back in my good books now.

Monday, March 06, 2006

The week is afoot

Thursday night I went to the gym, but as I had eaten quite late - all I had for tea was a bowl of cereal.

Friday was completely different, did the usual of going to the pub for lunch and after work. Almost missed my Mum's birthday get together because I fell asleep when I got home. I did get round there in time to eat some buffet though (including some prawns - excellent).

Saturday Higz and I went to Asda (I needed Stella and some food), I got myself a sage and onion roast chicken (hot - fresh from the spit). Everything was going fine until we tried using the new-fangled automatic cashier thing. What a kerfuffle. It just didn't work at all, for anyone! Not recommended.

Higz had himself a pizza and I ate half the chicken (some of it in a sandwich) and then we watched the rest of Lost season 1 that I hadn't seen yet (while drinking Stella).

Later in the evening I watched the boxing, which climaxed in Joe Calzaghe out-boxing Jeff Lacy with style.

Unfortunately, my parents were in Exmouth over the weekend - so I missed out on a Sunday dinner and instead just ate the rest of the chicken in a sandwich.

Lee came over in the evening and Higz rigged his laptop up to the telly and we watched a few episodes of season 2 of Lost and drank some Stellas.

Today was good, I went to the Orchard again for lunch. I was hungry, so I had another carvery sandwich. This time I had gammon as my meat of choice. The weather was nice, too, so we sat out in the "garden".

I can't wait for summer, lots of sitting in beer garden drinking stella and eating more of these delicious carvery sandwiches.

Anyway, when I got back to the office, I filled out an online questionairre about the work canteen.
Anyway, this evening I had myself some cheese and marmite toasted sandwiches created by my very own magical toasting machine. Not too bad.

Well, my 2 batteries have arrived as ordered from eBay - and they seem to work. Not bad for 99p - hooray for cheap Hong Kong-ese imports!

Now I have some spare for Glastonbury next year. Proper.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Always with the roast...

Yes! As expected, yesterday's roast dinner was ham. I always like it when the canteen do ham as the roast dinner, usually they are glazed in something fruity - and the gracy is kind of sweet and fruity. I even snuck a few un-seasonal sprouts on my plate for goodness.

When I got home yesterday I went ate the last of my 1kg applewood smoked turkey, the last of my salad and the last of my wholegrain bread in one last sandwich. Then I went round my mate Lee's to watch England beat Uruguay in a pre-World Cup 2006 friendly.

Today I totally missed my lunch break due to being too busy, so I went from 3-4pm instead. As the canteen does not serve food at this time, I walked up the Orchard with my mate Matt and had a carvery sandwich. I chose the beef and filled the sandwich with onions as well as cramming as much veg on the plate as I could.

It really has hit the spot, I still feel quite full now. But I'd better get practising, as I'm off the the land of "all you can eat" later this month and need to start stretching my stomach so I can get even more value for money.

Off to the gym in a minute, so probably eat some cereal later (as I have nothing else in the fridge or cupboards at the moment). Then tomorrow, it is Friday (woo!), which is also my Mum's birthday (48th?).

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Pancake Day!

It was Shrove Tuesday aka Pancake Day aka Jif Lemon Day yesterday. Something about Jesus eating loads of pancakes this time 100 years ago or something.

Anyway, lunchtime snuck up on me and I went to the canteen and had a rather filling beef goulash with rice and a side order of courgettes. Did the job.

After work I headed straight round my parents' house, as I knew they would be doing pancakes. I wasn't disappointed. I don't know how many I ate in the end, but I know I didn't need any tea!

The first few pancakes contained simply raisins, some chocolate sauce and lemon juice.. but towards the end I started adding slices of banana too. Very nice.

Probably the next time I eat pancakes will be in Florida when I go later on in March.

After my feast I went over Carla and Lee's to watch The Village and Zoolander on DVD with them and Higz. I managed to trip over a stump in the woods on the way, tho, covering myself in mud.. and this was before I even touched any stella!!

Anyway, time to wrap this up - as I hear the canteen calling.. and as we all know by now - Wednesday is Roast Dinner Day (and I hear today is roast ham, one of my favourites!)